micropreemie preemie nicubaby nicu preemiestrong nicugrad nicumom preemieawareness preemiebaby 23weeker 24weeker baby miraclebaby nicudad preemiedad preemiepower prematurity 25weeker 26weeker babygirl newborn niculife prematurebaby chroniclungdisease lifeafternicu momlife nicugraduate preeclampsia preemiemama preemiemom nicubaby
Pierce Alan Jewett graduated a day earlier than expected, and it was the greatest celebration filled with the happiest of tears. We love the people working at North Central Baptist NICU like family. Our baby is alive and thriving because of this incredible team. So many special individuals couldn’t attend P’s graduation because they were caring for other precious babies, but they were there in spirit. We felt you all. We’ve been home almost 24 hours, after 109 NICU days, and it feels so right. PIERCE IS HOME!!!!! #prayfierceforpierce #fightfiercepierce #fiercepierce #nicu #nicumom #nicubaby #micropreemie #preemie #preemiebaby #preemiestrong #tinybutmighty #preeclampsia #hellpsyndrome #25weeker #nicugraduate #nicugrad #peaceoutnicu
“Mommy, is this baby going to die?” It was a question that caught me off guard, those few words enough to feel as if the wind was knocked out of me. As my daughter rubbed my belly, her innocent question brought me to tears.
Is this baby going to die? It’s a question that would have a lot of parents in shock, but for a mother like me, her innocent curiosity makes sense. As our lone surviving triplet, this is all my daughter knows. Born at 22 weeks gestation, she wasn’t expected to survive. She knows she was extremely sick and she knows that her brother and sister were too sick to survive.
That’s the reality for parents who have lost a child. How do you explain to your daughter that her identical sister died within hours of birth? How do you explain that even though her brother was by her side in the NICU, he never came home?
There is no right or wrong when it comes to raising children both here on earth and in heaven. Parker and Abby will always be part of our family and I will always be their mother. And whatever way we choose to honor our children through the years, our daughter, Peyton, will always know how special she is. She will always know what a stronger fighter she has been to overcome so many obstacles to be with us today.
Is this baby going to die? To be honest, it’s a question I’ve thought about daily for months. That’s the fear that comes with pregnancy after loss. We know the worst possible outcome, we’ve experienced it firsthand, and we pray that the same fate won’t strike again. We find ourselves choosing hope instead of fear, but anxiety and grief creep up at random moments.
I looked at my daughter and smiled through the tears. “This baby isn’t going to die, she’s very healthy” I told my brave little girl. “That’s because Parker and Abby sent her to us,” I said. My sweet child smiled as she looked at my belly. Life isn’t perfect, but this baby has rekindled our faith, giving us a glimmer of hope when we need it the most. #pregnancyafterloss #rainbowbaby #micropreemie #preemie #22weeker #childloss #triplets #survivingtriplet #bonusbaby
She has come so far! We received a giant box from @carters this week. The clothing company reached out to me after reading a story of mine on Today Show. They were touched by our family, wanted to send us goodies for our new baby, as well as our surviving triplet Peyton. It’s a company so near and dear to us. When Peyton and Parker were in the NICU, we couldn’t find clothes small enough for them. The only clothes Parker wore in his two months of life were from Carter’s, including our favorite elephant sleeper—the precious outfit he passed away in. Peyton lived in Carter’s for a long time because of her tiny size. During our four month NICU stay, it was Carter’s that helped us feel that sense of normalcy. When your child is living in the hospital attached to wires and tubes, being cared for by doctors and nurses, it’s hard to feel like a parent. This week, Carter’s sent us the sweetest note, along with endless clothes for “Baby Sparkles” and Peyton. They also sent me their new NICU/Preemie line to check out—it’s come a long way in the six years since Peyton wore that size! They now carry outfits for babies less than 5lbs. Peyton played fashion show with her new clothes and held a little “NICU graduate” onesie to show us how far she has come. Some days it feels like a lifetime ago, other times it feels like just yesterday. A special thanks to Carter’s for this sweet gesture. Receiving these baby clothes brings back so many fond memories of my triplets, all while giving me so much hope and happiness as we get ready to welcome our rainbow baby in the coming weeks. Swipe to see more pics! #lovecarters #cartersclothes #preemie #micropreemie #nicu #nicugrad #22weeker #rainbowbaby #pregnancyafterloss
اليوم عمر البيبيات شهرين (العمر المصحح)
يعني عمرهم شهرين من اليوم اللي مفروض يكملون فيه التاسع،، هذا العمر اللي يستخدمونه الدكاتره عشان يقومون تطورهم،، الحمدالله لحد الحين، كلهم ماشين صح على عمرهم المصحح. (Baby.webteb.com)
التطور الحركي * يبدأ الطفل بفتح قبضة يده للإمساك بالأشياء.
* يكون الطفل قادرا الآن على مص إبهامه أو أصابعه.
* يستطيع الطفل تحريك ذراعيه بشكل عشوائي.
* يستطيع الطفل الإمساك بلعبة بواسطة قبضة يده، لكنه لا يستطيع النظر إليها بينما هو يفعل ذلك.
* من المهم أن يظهر الطفل في هذا العمر قدرة على إمالة الرأس إلى الجانبين عندما يكون مستلقيا على ظهره أو على بطنه.
* يمكننا أن نرى رد الفعل التوازني من خلال مقاومة جسم الطفل للجاذبية; فإذا أملنا جسم الطفل قليلا فانه لا يسقط، وإنما يوازن جسمه ضد الحركة ويقاومه.
* في هذه المرحلة العمرية يجري الطفل تقوية لعضلات الرقبة، الكتفين والأطراف، بشكل أساسي.
التطور المعرفي * يبقى الطفل مستيقظا لفترات أطول ويبدي المزيد من الاهتمام ببيئته المحيطة.
* الرؤية تصبح أكثر حدة، وفي سن شهر – شهرين تقريبا يبدأ الطفل بالتعرف على الشخصيات المألوفة له والابتسام لها.
* الطفل يصغي للأصوات وتصبح ردود أفعاله أكثر وضوحا.
* يصبح الطفل قادرا على توجيه رأسه نحو مصدر الصوت.
تطوير الحواس واللغة * في هذه المرحلة المبكرة يتعلم الطفل تطوير السمع والنطق.
* يوقف الطفل كل شيء وينصت باهتمام عند الحديث بالقرب منه.
* يدير الطفل رأسه نحو مصدر الأصوات، ويبدأ بالنظر الى الوجه عندما يتحدثون ويبتسمون إليه.
* لا يزال الطفل يخشى كثيرا الأصوات القوية والمرتفعة جدا.
كيف يمكن للوالدين المساعدة؟
* احملوا الطفل ودعوه يرى الأشكال، الألوان والأضواء. كل شيء جديد يجعله ينبهر في البداية.
* تحدثوا معه كلما كان ذلك ممكنا، وخصوصا عندما يصدر أصواتا أو ينظر نحوكم.
* رددوا كل فعل يومي سيقوم به بصوت عال مثل: "الآن أنت ستذهب للاستحمام"، "هذه لعبتك الزرقاء" وما شابه ذلك.
* تحدثوا إلى الطفل كما لو أنه كان يفهم كل كلمة تقولونها.
* واصلوا لمسه، تقبيله معانقته واحتضانه، وإعطاءه الكثير من الاهتمام والحب.
* حاولوا اصدار أصوات مماثلة للأصوات التي يصدرها طفلكم وانتظروا ردة فعله.
* قصّوا عليه قصة من كتاب، ويفضل أن تكون مع صور بالأبيض والأسود. فالطفل سوف ينظر إلى الصور ويصغي إلى صوتكم باستمتاع.
The triplets are 2 months corrected/adjusted today. That means, they are 2 months old developmentally (2 months since their due date). *CONTINUED IN COMMENTS
07/23/17 - Day 6 of Life - When you hear about caesarean deliveries, you really don’t hear about complications, but the reality is that this is a major surgery and it has risks. My bladder was nicked during the delivery and I was now part of a statistic.
We live about 30-40 minutes from the hospital. Although, we are grateful it is minutes away and not hours it still seemed to feel so far away. This was our second day at home and the trip into the hospital felt more and more exhausting because I was still healing from the two surgeries. My husband had to wheel me around in a wheelchair when we arrived to the hospital. I was in pain, but was determined to see my twins.
When we arrived to Lochlan’s room, it was care time. Care time happened every 3 hours at this point and it was the only time the nurses would touch the baby. At care time, temperatures were taken, diaper changed, oral care (breast milk by q tip) and he would be given food through a feeding tube.
The nurse asked me if I wanted to hold Lochlan while his blanket was changed. I was caught off guard and so scared, but accepted the challenge. In this moment I felt strong enough and present enough to handle this sensitive task.
I washed my hands (again), opened the arm holes and reached in to his isollete. My fingers gently wiggled under his warm little body while I tried not to disrupt any of the tubes and monitors attached to him. I lifted. His body felt as light as a shoe. His energy radiated throughout me and beyond. His body delicate, but his soul was as powerful as any warrior.
This is me holding Lochlan in my hands for the first time. He wasn’t even 2 lbs yet. In fact, he was his lowest weight in this picture. He weighed 1 lb. 4 oz.
This little monster is down for the count again. Her trach stoma is colonized with MSSA (methicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus) and is prone to flare ups during times of stress. She’s been popping teeth like a mad woman, which has allowed the MSSA to invade again. This is something that most trach kiddos experience- colonization of a super bug is very common and very annoying. She’s needing more oxygen, working harder to breathe, and relatively lethargic. We’re working hard to avoid hospitalization, so for the next several days you can find us in quarantine, glued to the couch, in our @dockatot throne, watching Netflix ✌
In all seriousness, this weekend was supposed to be Lil’s birthday/thank you party for our NICU staff. We’re incredibly sad to have to postpone it, but keeping this babe safe is our number one priority
#nicugraduate #nicugrad #micropreemie #24weeker #preemie #preemielife #preemiejourney #nicu #nicubaby #niculife #nicujourney #trach #tracheostomy #trachbaby #tubie #gtube #gtubebaby #medicallycomplex #iugr #twin #survivingtwin #twinlesstwin #medicallyfragile #preemiepower #preemiestrong #rebeltrachmoms #nicutonow
Sometimes we whisper like we’re telling secrets
At the end of this video, you can see that Lily is speaking but not making any noise. Sometimes, depending on the position of her trach, she can’t get any air up to her vocal chords. As her lungs grow stronger it will be easier for her to push air and talk, but for now we’re working on managing the frustration that comes with inability to consistently communicate. With our therapists, we’re introducing some basic sign language and working to keep her calm when she doesn’t feel heard.
#nicugraduate #nicugrad #micropreemie #24weeker #preemie #preemielife #preemiejourney #nicu #nicubaby #niculife #nicujourney #trach #tracheostomy #trachbaby #tubie #gtube #gtubebaby #medicallycomplex #iugr #twin #survivingtwin #twinlesstwin #medicallyfragile #preemiepower #preemiestrong #rebeltrachmoms #nicutonow
From day one of our NICU journey, we had our fists up ready to fight alongside our twins. I know any other parent in our shoes would do the same thing. I know this because this tribe of NICU parents is abundant. The emotions that come with a NICU stay are heavy, but they are also rich. They are beautiful beyond belief.
Our story is full of optimism, love and hope…desperate, heart aching, unconditional hope. There is no such thing as false hope.
Hope is hope.
During our NICU fight, I wanted nothing more than to hear about other babies in similar situations who had inspirational stories. And so, that is why I am here, to tell our beautiful, triumphant story of survival. I never asked statistics while in the NICU, but here are the facts I know to be truth today:
24 weekers can survive,
They can overcome unfathomable feats,
They can shock the doctors at every turn,
They can come home before their due date,
They can be labeled a miracle by doctors,
And they can thrive.
I know this because I have two of them. This is not a journey I would have chosen, but it is my story and so it is my favorite.
Dear parent in the NICU, this is for you… statistics are just numbers and miracles happen.
Swipe left to see my miracles today.
Took a break from modeling for a swaddle company to drink his 8th full bottle in a row! And eating is our last ticket we need before we go to the zoo
We still have the car seat test but that should be pretty easy. He needs to sit in the car seat for 3 hours with no trouble to pass.
He healed from his surgery very well. And is on 1/8th a liter of oxygen now.
There is light at the end of this long scary tunnel! #ivfjourney #micropreemie #preeclampsia #ivfsuccess
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