monarchy_russia russianempire храм церковь российскаяимперия русскиймир православие россия самодержавие молитва династияромановых монархия святаярусь страстотерпцы православные monarchy romanovdynasty революция вов царскаяроссия russia russianmonarchy великаяотечественнаявойна ганинаяма ипатьевскийдом расстрелцарскойсемьи русские семья война кино perepechkini
The sons of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna: the Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1918), the Grand Duke George (1871-1899) and the Grand Duke Michael (1878-1918). There was another son named Alexander, born in 1869 between Nicholas and George, but he lost his life due to an illness, before he was one year old. As an child, George was stronger and healthier than his elder brother Nicholas. He could be described as a typical Romanov. George was tall, unlike his elder brother Nicholas, handsome and full of life. He always got into mischief, and because his mother had such an affection for him, George escaped of punishment. All the brothers were raised in the spartan way and according to english education. They also spoke fluent French and passable German and Danish. They slept in camp beds, got up at six o'clock, and took a cold shower, but occasionally the brothers also took a hot shower in their mother's bathroom. Their mother taught them that family life was important. Because of their parents' happy marriage, they were brought up in an atmosphere of love and security, something that was rare in many royal houses. George, the middle brother, was considered to be the cleverest of the Imperial children. They acquired a love by sport, particularly by shooting and fly-fishing. But an interesting fact occurred during their lives: all three brothers experienced the status of being the heir to the Russian throne. When Nicholas inherited the throne in 1894, George became the Tsesarevich, as his older brother didn’t have a son. When Nicholas inherited the throne in 1894, George became the Tsesarevich because his older brother did not have a son. Five years later, Michael also inherited this title after George died, at the age of 28 years, from tuberculosis, but later he became a grand duke again after his nephew Alexei Nikolaevich was born in 1904. Ironically, all the sons of Tsar Alexander III and Tsarina Maria Feodorovna died. Some for illness, others for murder during the Russian revolution. Only two daughters survived: Grand Duchesses Xenia and Olga Alexandrovna. #royalson #tsarnicholasii #georgealexandrovich #royalbrothers
MY SISTERS WERE KILLED: HOW MUCH CRUELTY: On August 28, 1918, a memorandum confirmed the long awaited news. Lord Stamfordham, George V's secretary, was one of the first to hear what Lord Milner of the War Ministry reported: "We have just received a very distressing telegram from the Intelligence Officer that there is every likelihood that the empress of Russia, her four daughters and the Tsarevich were all murdered along with Tsar”. The information came to the Intelligence Officer from a source he had no reason to doubt”. Posteriorly, the King George V received confirmation that everyone feared: that the entire imperial family was murdered by the Bolsheviks in Ekaterinburg. On September 2, the empress's older sister, Victoria, also received the news and was deeply shocked. Later, she also learned that her other sister, the Grand Duchess Ella, had also been killed and that her body was recovered in a mine on September 29, when the Whites took Alapaevsk. (1st photo, from the upper left corner: the Tsarina’s sisters - from left to right - Irene, Alexandra, Victoria and Elizabeth standing behind them. 2nd photo, from the upper right corner, from left to right: Irene, Victoria, Elizabeth and Alexandra. In the bottom left corner of the post, Elizabeth. In the middle of the post, the Bolsheviks. In the lower right corner, the Tsarina Alexandra). #alexandrafeodorovna #tsarinaalexandra #tsarina #imperialrussia #grandduchesselizabethfeodorovna #elizabethfeodorovna #houseofhesse #hessefamily #theromanovs #romanovs #monarchy_russia #monarchy #russianempire #royaltyfamily
The first photo shows Tsar Alexander III of Russia with his wife Maria Feodorovna, the parents of Nicholas II and grandparents of the last Tsarevich Alexei Romanov.
The second photo shows the Tsar Alexander III as central figure, demonstrating the grandeur of the Russian empire and the reigning autocracy. A symbolic image, as the Tsar was 1,93m high (coincidentally the same height as Rasputhin).
#alexandreiii #tsaralexandreiii #mariafeodorovna #autocracy #imperiorusso #imperialrussia #russiaimperial #monarch #monarchy #monarchy_russia
A wonderful father: Nicholas II
During the winter months of 1913 at the Palace of Alexander, Nicolau's diary is a testimony of how he personally took care of his five children in place of the wife who lived sick. As much as there was paperwork on his desk, meetings with ministers, public hearings, and military magazines to occupy his day, at this time of year when they were in Tsarskoe Selo, he always found time for them. History may have often condemned him for being a weak and reactionary tsar, but he was undoubtedly the most exemplary royal blood father who ever lived. The months of January and February were a special time for him and his children, during which he took them to see the ballets "The little hunchbacked horse", "Don Quixote" and "The daughter of Pharaoh" - the latter leaving them excited to see Pávlova dance. But usually the time with the father was spent in the park, whatever the weather, on invigorating walks, cycling, helping to break the ice in the canals, skiing, sledding down the icy hill and company - when he was well enough - of Alexei, with his special orthopedic boot. His childrens loved having their own father; he was walking fast, he was tireless and they all learned to keep up with him so they wouldn’t be left behind. Throughout the Tercentenary of 1913, the tsarist advertising machine promoted the image of a paternalistic Romanov monarchy led by a loving, devout and virtuous family, perpetuated in the thousands of official photographs sold as postcards throughout Russia that year. (reference: "The Romanov Sisters", Helen Rappaport).
#tsarnicholasii #nicholasii #monach #alexeiromanov #olgaromanov #mariaromanov #anastasiaromanov #tatianaromanov #grandduchesses #tsarevich #otma #grandduchessolga #grandduchesstatiana #grandduchessmaria #grandduchessanastasia #imperialrussia #romanov #romanovfamily #romanovdynasty #monarchy #monarchy_russia #nicholas2
At that time, every family, including the royalty, had several children and hoped to lose one or two in the process of growth. The loss of a child wasn’t a trivial experience, but rarely produced more than a temporary impact on the family life. However, in Alexandra's case, the mere threat of death of the younger son involved her as well as the fate of an ancient dynasty and the history of a great nation. It is important to understand what Alexei's birth meant to Alexandra. Her greatest wish after marriage was to give the Russian autocracy an heir. In ten years she had had four daughters, but she had not yet had the heir to the throne. The Russian crown was no more for the women in the line of descent. So, if Alexandra didn’t have a son, the succession would pass first to Nicholas's younger brother, Michael, and then to his uncle's family, Grand Duke Vladimir. Every time Alexandra got pregnant, she prayed fervently for a boy. When Alexei was born, it meant much more to Alexandra than the mere arrival of yet another baby. This baby was the crowning of her marriage, the fruit of her hours of prayer, the blessing of God falling on her, on her husband and the people of Russia. At 32 years of age, Alexandra was tall, still slim, with blue-gray eyes and long blond-red hair. A decade later, she was exhausted from worrying so much about the fragile life of her "Baby." At the age of 46, on the eve of her death, she was an elderly woman. (Reference: Nicholas and Alexandra, Robert K. Massie). #royalheir #tsarevich #tsarevichalexei #alexeinikolaevich #alexeiromanov #royalmother #romanov #romanovfamily #olgaromanov #mariaromanov #tatianaromanov #anastasiaromanov #royalthrone #monarchy #monarchy_russia
Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian State Council.
In the above post we can see a painting by the famous Russian artist Ilya Repin depicting the "Ceremony Meeting of the Council of State on May 7, 1901". In the image we can also see the center Tsar Nicholas II and his younger brother and, until then, Tsarevich (presumptive heir), the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich.
The Council of State was created in 1810 by Tsar Alexandre I, whose function was to reformulate the legislative process, which in the previous century had belonged to the Senate and to the colleges, two bodies that had previously been created by Tsar Peter the Great. The Council consisted of a variable number of 35 to 60 members, chosen directly by the emperor, but who had no right to propose legislative reforms. His recommendations were only advice, and the emperors quietly made decisions against majority opinion or enacted decrees without consulting anyone. The Council of State continued to exist until the year 1905.
#michaelalexandrovich #tsarevich #heir #royalheir #imperialrussia #tsarnicholasii #nicholasii #nicholas2 #councilofstate #romanov #romanovs #tsarevichmichael #monarchy #monarchy_russia #grandduke
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Долларовый миллионер, ученый, меценат и просто очень хороший человек Владислав Тетюхин не стал тратить свое состояние (по оценке Forbes трехгодичной давности $650 000 000) на яхты и тропические острова. Вместо этого бывший совладелец «ВСМПО-Ависма» продал все акции и вложил деньги в передовой диагностический центр эндопротезирования, который даст фору подобным заведениям в Европе.
Самое замечательное в этой истории то, что его «Госпиталь Восстановительных Инновационных Технологий», расположенный в Нижнем Тагиле, — вовсе не элитарное медучреждение для приболевших богачей. Там лечатся обычные люди.
Медперсонал 80-летний меценат подбирал очень тщательно, свозил в диагностический центр талантливых медиков со всей страны и даже из-за границы. Все работники живут в доме, построенном специально для них. Лечебный центр оснащен самым передовым оборудованием, в нем проводятся сложнейшие операции.
Интерьер тоже достоин внимания. Вместо привычных серых коридоров, в больнице можно увидеть репродукции картин мировой художественной классики, а система обслуживания там электронная.
Сам благотворитель жил без помпы. Старенький телефон, обычный автомобиль: «Ну зачем мне деньги? Что я с ними буду делать? Мне достаточно того, что я имею пенсию, имею зарплату — мне хватает на жизнь». В апреле 2019 Владислава Тетюхина не стало. Помяни его, Господи, во Царствии Своем!
#monarchy_russia #российскаяимперия #самодержавие #russianempire #меценат #больница #нижнийтагил #врачи #медики #доктор #олигарх #россия #медицина #госпиталь #добро #милостыня #владиславтетюхин
Великие люди, которые предали своих детей
Ребенка предать нетрудно - что он сделает? Он абсолютно зависит от родителя; по крайней мере, так было раньше. С ребёнком жить тяжело: надо заботиться, ухаживать, кормить, гулять, воспитывать… Ребёнок не даёт выспаться, кричит, плачет, шумит и шалит, когда подрастёт.
Философ Жан-Жак Руссо поразмыслил об этом и просто стал сдавать своих новорожденных детей в приют. Он жил не очень богато, был занят сочинительством и дети могли очень осложнить ему жизнь.
Философ Руссо одного за другим сдал в приют пятерых детей. Его сожительница детей рожала, а потом их относили в приют. Руссо писал, что хочет, чтобы дети стали крестьянами. Здоровый труд на свежем воздухе, простая пища, гармония с природой… Скорее всего, малютки просто умерли в приюте - условия в 18 веке были ужасающими. Но Руссо об этом не думал. Он писал трактат о правильном воспитании детей, который принёс ему славу великого педагога и просветителя.
Лорд Байрон отдал в монастырь свою незаконнорожденную дочку Аллегру четырёх лет от роду. Сначала он забрал девочку у матери, а потом она надоела поэту. «Она упряма как мул и прожорлива как осёл!», - так поэтично Байрон охарактеризовал своего ребенка. Девочка мешала ему; он жил в замке. Трудно представить, как в замке может мешать четырёхлетний ребёнок… В монастыре девочка начала хиреть и чахнуть. «Бледная, тихая и деликатная», - такой её запомнили. При участии монахинь Аллегра написала письмо отцу; вернее, жалостливые монахини написали от ее лица просьбу навестить… Байрон сказал, что Аллегра просто рассчитывает на подарки. Незачем ехать! В пять лет девочка умерла среди чужих людей.
Поэтесса Марина Цветаева тоже отдала своих детей в приют в голодные годы. И приказала не говорить, что она - их мать. Дескать, они сироты. В приюте младшая дочь, Ирина, умерла от голода и болезней. Условия содержания детей поэтесса видела своими глазами - под видом крестной матери она навестила детей. Старшую дочь она потом забрала. Младшая погибла среди чужих людей. Подробнее об этой истории можно прочитать в «Смерть Ирочки Эфрон». На похороны дочери Цветаева не пошла, но написала очень грустное стихотворение о своих переживаниях.
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