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Reposted @krugerconstruction I couldn’t resist
@milwaukeetool wasn’t lying when they said the Packout backpack could hold a ton of tools
Speaking of packout head over to @constructionfasteners page and click on the link in the profile to enter a packout giveaway
Don’t do this at work, if they fell off well walking and landed on your ankle it might no be pretty
#milwaukeetools #krugerconstruction #christmasgiftideas #contractor #toolsofthetrade #construction #backpack #storage #organize #tools #newtools #packout
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376. Precision tool for cutting profiles. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
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Optimus road blocker by el-go team. .Follow us for more ( @engineeringhome ) .
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Source : Elgo team
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#mechhome #techvideos
We have been doing it wrong this whole time.
➡️Follow: @gadgetwolf91 .
Credits: @techyee.insta
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#ProductoftheWeek: @TOOLAHOLIC recently shared this epic @littlegiantladders King Kombo Ladder, and we just had to repost:
Not only is it an A frame ladder, it’s also specifically designed to lean on walls, or inside and outside corners.
With the press of two buttons, you can flip the back section out and up, turning this into a short extension ladder, where you can safely stand on the top platform.
In the extension mode, they have also added a bridge that will grab outside corners, poles, or even straddle a stud.
This section is also narrow enough to fit into a stud bay, allowing you to work as close as you would like to a wall.
The king kombo launches soon in a few versions (the main differences are in the feet) and they will be available at @lowes_canada. #TOOLBXAPPROVED
#productfeature #innovation #constructionhack #homeimprovement #efficiency #constructiontips #tooltip #innovation #designinnovation #building #construction #wednesdaywisdom #kingkombo #ladder #aframe #installer #electrician #plumber #newtools #extensionladder #hvac #carpenter #remodel
Ça, c’est le tout nouveau diable pliable de @stanleytrucks ultra compact, léger et top pour monter des outils dans les escaliers sans se prendre la tête! Modèle SXWTD-FT581! Facile à plier/déplier, prend pas de place dans le camion et en prime le petit tenseur qui va bien! What else!?!...
That's the all new, ultra-compact, lightweight, foldable stairclimber from @stanleytrucks, model SXWTD-FT581!! Folds/open@in a second, made of string durable steel, easy to store in the van... what else’s!?!
... #stanley #stanleytools #handtruck #stanleytoolsuk #stanleytrucks #diable #tools #travaux #chantier #reno #renov #renovation #dsap #dusolauplafond #toolsplayer #outils #charriot #pliable #foldable #dewalt #dewalttools #dewalttough #flexvolt #newtools #toolsofthetrade #stairclimber
Whos ready for this? The @dewalttough @dewalt_ca 20v cable stapler is coming soon.
This completely cordless NM cable stapler should handle most of what a residential electrician would come across.
The staples and gun are still going through the CSA process and we should see this gun toward the end of the year in Canada.
@newcityelectric #electrician #electrical #cablestapler #cable #staple #newtools #tools2019
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