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Каждая пицца, как произведение искусства
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Friday mood
Let’s get something straight: dining out doesn’t have to stress you out. I’ve definitely been there and it definitely sucked. It CAN fit and you CAN feel good about it. Many of you ask (usually when I post my @blazepizza) how I “fit” certain meals in, so sorry if this is redundant, but hopefully this helps!
Let’s separate dining out from guilt and being “bad”. It’s important to have a balanced nutritional aspect to your training plan based on YOUR goals, but IMO, that should always include fun foods and fun people to share it with!
Some things to remember for my fellow macro magicians or those who might struggle with the feeling of “fitting” fun foods into their lifestyle without feeling guilty:
1️⃣ If possible, pre-track your meal so you’re completely unplugged and present during it.
2️⃣ Be as mindful as you eat, place focus on the company and be grateful. Honor your body and the experience. Perspective is everything.
3️⃣ Keep in mind some restaurants won’t have nutritional information and that’s ok. Guesstimate as best as you can and move on. This is also why I give my clients ranges instead of strict numbers; give yourself and your food some grace. Think Jesus style, baby!
4️⃣ Do NOT restrict up to the meal. This may cause you to go overboard to the point of discomfort and further the stigma that food has to be “deserved”. If you do feel like you went overboard, don’t do a ton of cardio the next day or beat the crap out of yourself for it. Move on and use it as a learning experience to carry with you next time to make decisions that’ll make you feel fulfilled, not overfilled.
5️⃣ Remember that weekly averages matter most if you do track. You can adjust your macros the next few days to balance things out without feeling deprived.
6️⃣ Let go of perfectionism. It’s a misnomer and trying to reach it will take SO much more away from your life than it’ll ever add to it.
⚠️ If you do find you struggle immensely with this consistently for a long period of time or find yourself in an endless, miserable cycle, maybe it’s time to reconsider how you approach your goals, or seek professional help.
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PHOTOGRAPHER @tommaso.esposito March 302019
LOCATION #napoli
F/A @Gennaro_Rispoli
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Weekend con Marghe.
E da settimana prossima... nuovo menu...
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Cheese Burst Farmhouse pizza!!
Somehow I love cheese burst pizza over thin crust base!! Which one do you prefer
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You know what’s better than a Pizza?
A Pizza With A View Like That! ❤️
Cafe Ivy, Mussoorie
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by @the_foodie_photographer .
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Saturday night goals!!
Is there anything better than pizza that too dripping with melted cheese
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“Un giorno non avrò bisogno di tante parole per dimostrarti la bellezza del credere nei proprio sogni.” - Papà. MY REASON WHY Felice giornata a te che volontariamente o per caso sei approdato sulla community Che Cornicione. Resta con noi, Paolo #checornicione#pizza#pizzafattaincasa#pizzeria#homemadepizza#family
Статистика хештегов - Экспортировать в Microsoft Exel
# | Хештег | Фраза | Количество запросов в месяц | Количество постов | Баллы |
1 | #pizza | pizza | 5453 | 43538025 | 0 |
2 | #пицца | пицца | 96245 | 2476445 | 39 |
3 | #доставкапиццы | доставка пиццы | 26865 | 351204 | 76 |
4 | #dominos | dominos | 17198 | 1094750 | 16 |
5 | #dominospizza | dominospizza | 3 | 430470 | 0 |
6 | #food | food | 2328 | 370550553 | 0 |
7 | #доставка30минут | доставка 30 минут | 19 | 798 | 24 |
8 | #sushi | sushi | 1366 | 26190530 | 0 |
9 | #пиццерия | пиццерия | 7251 | 210445 | 34 |
10 | #роллы | роллы | 34570 | 1800997 | 19 |
11 | #доминос | доминос | 35039 | 11189 | 3131 |
12 | #суши | суши | 60989 | 2167915 | 28 |
13 | #доставка | доставка | 22456 | 8349316 | 3 |
14 | #roll | roll | 974 | 1986000 | 0 |
15 | #заказатьпиццу | заказать пиццу | 29914 | 21435 | 1396 |
16 | #доставкасуши | доставка суши | 14814 | 434732 | 34 |
17 | #заказатьсуши | заказать суши | 10742 | 22549 | 476 |
18 | #domodedovopizza | domodedovo pizza | 1 | 3 | 250 |
19 | #пиццадомодедово | пицца домодедово | 470 | 959 | 490 |
20 | #vidnoe | vidnoe | 6 | 120970 | 0 |
21 | #видноепицца | видное пицца | 432 | 2819 | 153 |
22 | #pasta | pasta | 82 | 20801986 | 0 |
23 | #самаявкуснаяпицца | самая вкусная пицца | 638 | 34465 | 19 |
24 | #кантанелло | кантанелло | 1019 | 2323 | 438 |
25 | #kantanello | kantanello | 0 | 1035 | 0 |
26 | #pizzatime | pizza time | 186 | 2605608 | 0 |
27 | #пиццерияомск | пиццерия омск | 247 | 1462 | 169 |
28 | #омск | омск | 46583 | 8418608 | 6 |
29 | #love | love | 13425 | 1739098874 | 0 |
30 | #pizzeria | pizzeria | 425 | 2007158 | 0 |