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Fine tune your left hand grip. Often from the unconscious motions from our grip, we may crack or airball certain notes. The problem may not be in your chops but how we hold the horn. We can't 100% eliminate tension, but we can fine tune how we respond to it. By shifting your grip so your "squeeze" adds pressure congruently to the chops or mostly to the bottom lip, we can greatly improve our playing. This can connect your range more smoothly and improve tone by playing low on the pitch.
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Next up on the @playeasysports top 1️⃣0️⃣ facility List: @house_of_sports_ny “The House of Sports is Westchester County’s premier facility. Their four state-of-the-art courts and tremendous atmosphere makes House of Sports the Hub of grassroots basketball in New York.”
We are officially taking our tour out of New England to feature House of Sports, one of the largest complexes on the east coast. Located in Westchester County, NY, this facility features 4 floating, hardwood courts, 28 adjustable baskets, an 80 yard true grass turf field, 6,000 sq.ft. baseball training center and much more! (Link in bio for more!!)
#playeasy #zgtoptenfacility #houseofsports #zerogravitybasketball #zgbb
Next up on the @playeasysports ZG Top Ten Facility List- Dana Barros Basketball Club: “Dana Barros is one of the best designed facilities in the US. This state-of-the-art facility has amazing technology, first class lines and best in class equipment.” Check out more on the newest facility on the #toptenfacilities list (Link in bio!!)
#playeasy #playeasysports #danabarros #danabarrosbasketballclub #featuredfacility #zgtoptenfacility #zerogravity #youthsports #zgbb
MAIS PRÉ-VENDAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Muitas novidades da @galapagosjogos galera! EXPANSÃO DO DIXIT de aniversário de 10 anos! A volta de Power Grid e muito mais! Corre no site agora e faça sua reserva!
galapagos #playeasy #playeasyjogos #jogosdemesa #jogosdetabuleiromodernos #vempraplayeasy #boardgame
Tá em São Paulo para a VIRADA CULTURAL? O que acha de dar uma passadinha aqui na PLAYEASY amanhã é fazer o seu esquenta aqui? Nossas mesas são totalmente GRATUITAS e todos os jogos que temos abertos vocês podem colocar na mesa, jogar e testar! Corre pra cá amanhã é venha se divertir com a gente!
#playeasy #playeasyjogos #vempraplayeasy #jogosdemesa #papergames #braverats #claim #boardgames #jogosdemesa #jogosdetabuleiromodernos
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