pulseddyelaser vbeamprima vbeam dermatology candelamedical portwinestain dermatologist laser pulsedyelaser vbeamperfecta birthmarkbeauty candela energybaseddevices acdasm2019 vascularbirthmark medicalaestheticdevices repost rosacea aestheticdevices aestheticlaser aesthetics kidsmodel portwinestainbirthmark vascular vascularity baby beautifulbirthmark birthmark candelalaser
The Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) has transformed cosmetic and medical dermatology since it was invented by Dr. Rox Anderson in the 1980s prior to his dermatology residency @harvardmed. This technology allows us to safely, effectively, and non-invasively treat port wine stains, rosacea, broken blood vessels, red scars and many other conditions caused by tiny unneeded blood vessels. At 595nm (yellow light), the laser selectively targets and treats the very small blood vessels that cause these conditions - which reduces redness while leaving all the other structures in the skin unharmed. In fact, the heating from the laser often stimulates new collagen growth which improves skin texture and tone as a nice side effect. It is a very safe laser that I have used on babies as young as three weeks old. It is the most common laser treatment we perform @mghlaserandcosmetic. See before & after following the video ********************************************
#gettheredout #rosacea #portwinestain #pulseddyelaser #hemangioma #vascularlaser #acnescar #surgicalscar #redscar #boardcertifieddermatologist #cosmeticdermatologist #yellowlight #residency #medicine #cosmeticdermatology #aestheticdermatology #mgh #dermresident #skincare #redface
Skin back to normal after the pulse dye laser. I felt like I had some under skin welts for a bit, but thankfully they’ve gone. I’m hopefully going back later this month for a second round at a higher intensity. After that I can’t decide whether to get Intensif/Infini or get a deep peel/laser resurfacing
Aula na I Jornada de Pediatria de Santa Cruz do Sul. Feliz e honrada com o convite! Falei sobre Hemangiomas e Malformações Vasculares e minha experiência com o Pulsed Dye Laser, que é o laser de primeira escolha, em todo mundo, para tratamento desses problemas de pele.
O único local que dispõe do Pulsed Dye Laser no Rio Grande do Sul é o Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. É uma satisfação muito grande para mim trabalhar com este tratamento, que tem excelentes resultados e ajuda a melhorar a qualidade de vida de muitas pessoas!
#dermatologia #hemangioma #manchavinhodoporto #pulseddyelaser #dyelaser #julianabozadermato
#metime #pulseddyelaser ❤️.
難得放半天假,除左去 @sogohongkong thankful week 掃平貨,我仲去左 @aesmedic 試做左 脈衝激光 改善面上暗瘡同鼻翼兩旁輕微泛紅嘅問題 ,平時化左妝唔太覺,但一落妝,面上暗瘡同暗瘡印真係♀️♀️.
去到AesMedic首先職員會要求填一份健康狀況問卷,然後卸妝♀️ 兼做皮膚分析,完成後入治療室後,療程由⚕️醫生親自做 所以我非常放心 成個過程一d都唔痛,每打一下都同時噴出冷凍劑,所以唔會有灼熱感,而做完無紅無腫,可以即時化妝 不過要留意,做完脈衝激光需要多敷mask同避免暴曬☀️,另外激光療程需要相隔4星期
AesMedic 除左有提供脈衝激光,仲有其他激光美容療程,我對Pico皮秒好有興趣,Pico有美白嫩膚,淡斑功效 希望6月中可以再放半天假試做Pico
3162 0409
#aesmedic艾思美 #醫生主理
#脈衝激光 #PDL #改善面部泛紅 #暗瘡治療 #
#Pico皮秒激光 #激光界法拉利 #enlighten #秒速淡斑 #美白嫩膚#改善凹凸洞
#ootd #saturday #causalwear
•• Proximamente: Vbeam® Prima •• Nuestro último láser de colorante pulsado, con más ventajas de nunca, acaba de recibir el marcaje CE. ¡Además, por fin está disponible en Europa! #Vbeam #Prima #VbeamPrima #candela #pulseddyelaser #vbeamprima #vascularlesions #pigmentedlesions #evercool #twowavelengths #rosaceatreatments"
Vampires deal with bruising too.,. especially after the post-Halloween hunger sets in ♂️ Check out @DrHeidiWaldorf on IG TV to learn how Ocumend can help us mortals out with bruising after fillers Accelerate post-op recovery Cearna Ocumend pads, designed for post-op recovery ✨ #Cearna #ByeByeBruising
Do you ever read something that you wrote forever ago, and think, Hey, that’s pretty good!? I (humbly) just did that with this everything-lasers guide I reported for @allure last summer (#linkinbio). Of course, as always, all the credit goes to the docs who contributed: @drrobertanolik @shereeneidriss @drheidiwaldorf @unionderm #drannechapas #droritmarkowitz
Enjoyed discussing innovative laser and cosmetic treatments during my appearance on the Doctor Radio Dermatology Show today with @drdorisday on @siriusxm.
#laser #cosmetics #resurfacing #co2laser #erbium #pulseddyelaser #portwinestain #picolaser #bodycontouring #dermatology #wrinkles #IPL #tattooremoval #vbeam #halo #fraxel #restylane #boardcertifieddermatologist #dermlife #icon #botox #xeomin #juvederm #belotero #excelv #laserhairremoval #fractora #mgh #siriusxm
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