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The Science of Sin:
Here's what the latest research in neuroscience says about pornography: - "... causes a general reduction in libido, eventually not being able to get an erection at all." - Dr. Carlo Foresta - decreases the response not just to pornography, but to any rewarding stimulus (such as achieving goals or a real live partner) - fucks up your ability to make final decisions (due to two parts of the brain, the ventral striatum and the mOFC) - reduces the impact of dopamine in the reward circuit, which makes any pleasurable activity less enjoyable the more porn you watch (without going into details - this will certainly lead to depression) - eventually, you will prefer the fake (porn) over the real (sex, relationships, love)
Harmless bit of fun, eh?
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One of the most gratifying experiences we get as humans is our sexuality.
Erectile Dysfunction in teenage youth shot up in recent years and it’s labeled as the new epidemic. Why?
EXTRA: Towards the end, we reveal how to cure erectile dysfunction based on a true story from one of our porn recovery coaches.
Nowadays, way before teens hit puberty and become sexual, they are already exposed to highly graphic and sexual visuals. Our society is ignorant and not aware of the dangers. Innocent teens fell into a lie that watching porn is “okay and harmless” and that it is part of “discovering our sexuality”. Continuous use of porn eventually leads to desensitization to what is normal, escalation of the behavior to get the same satisfaction and finally causing Erectile Dysfunction.
Read more about it on the blog.
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Just 21 days to heal our brain from addiction
@nofapguide @nofapguide
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Stop masturbating @nofapguide @nofapguide
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