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Kingsland - I Am Hardstyle
Filmed a great festival last weekend in two locations: Amsterdam & Rotterdam for @iamhardstyle
Donn't be fooled by my resting 'film face' (*bitch face ) I'm actually enjoying myself, especially when I have that beauty Canon 70-200 iii on thanks @budgetcam
But with every new job comes new challenges - on this day my battery charger and batteries decided they all didn't want to co-operate and stopped charging at the first eventI tried everything imaginable, but no luck. No rental houses open because it was a public holiday, no Red shooters at the festival with spares....Won't lie, I was definitely panicking and figuring out in my head how I'm going to 'ration' what's left of my batteries to film the DJs at the other venue Sometimes Murphy's Law goes into full swing and you can't do much about it but use the resources you have to try and solve your problem.
Thankfully my GH5 saved the day until miraculously my batteries decided they wanted to join the party... 3 hours later
I shot for 12 hours in all conditions that day - wind, rain, sunshine and managed to get some great shots, without missing any artists on my schedule This week I've been busy with the edit, and finishing off a few smaller projects as well. The pace of life has been quick lately with so much work, but I'm all about that race... One step closer to the next challenge
: @kvdmvisuals •
#kingsland #iamhardstyle #kingsday #recap #festival #hardstyle #raw #hardcore #filming #filmmkrs #reddigitalcinema #canon #woodencamera #budgetcam #femalefestivalfilmer
Part 3 of 3 Spoiler Alert Recap of Season 8 episode 4. A lot of fans unhappy with D&D this week. And also ______ and ______. #memes #recap #gameofthrones #thronesyall #got #got8 #demthrones #gots8e4 #thelastofthestarks #lastofthestarks #arya #gentry #aryastark #brienne #jaimie #missandei #ghost #gameofthronesmemes #gotmemes
BBoy @bboyshoya (@mortalcombat_crew) Power Style at @arkleague_official 2019.
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L A S T O N E... C O W B E L L F U N
.I really just be trying things at church sometimes for no reason I only post the good stuff but man them bloopers be funny as hell!... (don’t act like y’all don’t know wussup lol)
J U S T D O I T ✔️
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