redmi3s xiaomi likeforlike indonesia_photography amazing artoftheday beautifulart beautifulindonesia beautifullife beautifulplace beautifulview beautifulworld blessedtobeablessing enjoyinglife explore exploreindonesia instagood instalike landscape like4like pictoftheday travelling vacation view viewindonesia viewoftheday wonderfulindonesia instapic mi8lite xiaomiyimurah
Life is like captaining a ship. If you plan your course, keep an eye on the wheel, and keep moving forward, everything will be smooth sailing.
Shot by Redmi 3s @solo_grapher #shotbymi #shotbyredmi #shotwithmi #phonegraphy #photo #photoshop #photograph #miphotography #xiaomiphoto #xiaomishot #xiaomiphonegraphy #xiaomiphotograph #redmi3s
@xiaomiindia has officially dropped support for these smartphone. Do you own any of these?
#android #androidonly #google #googleandroid #droid #instandroid #instaandroid #instadroid #instagood #phone #smartphone #mobile #androidography #androidographer #androidinstagram #androidnesia #androidcommunity #teamdroid #teamandroid #xiaomi #redminote3 #redminote4 #redmi3s #redmi4 #redmi4a
Bom dia mi fãs!!
Qual seu preferido
Mi 9 Se vs mi 9
Não esqueçam de participar do nosso SORTEIO de uma Mi Band 2!
#xiaomi #redminote6pro #redminote7 #mi8lite #mi9 #mi8pro #mimix3 #pocophonef1 #redminote5 #redmi3s #mi8 @mi.brasil @xiaomi.portugal @xiaomi_colombia @xiaomi.chile
@xiaomi_brasill @xiaomi_brasil1.0
#xiaomi #redmi #redmi3s #redmi4x #redminote4 #redmi5 #redminote5 #redminote6pro #redminote7 #mi8lite #mi8 #mi8pro #mi9 #pocophonef1xiaomi #pocophonef1 #mimax #mimax2 #mimax3 #mimix #mimix2 #mimix2s #mimix3 @xiaomibrasilfc @xiaomibaratoemfortaleza @utenti.xiaomi.italia @xiaomimports_br @hjstorebr @xiaomi_brasill @mi.brasil @xiaomi.chile @xiaomi_colombia @xiaomi.portugal #mi2 #mi8litephotography #mi9se #mi9exploreredition
Xiaomi telah resmi memberhentikan software support untuk 7 smartphones mereka nih guys dan ini listnya
- Redmi 3S
- Redmi 3X
- Redmi 4
- Redmi 4A
- Redmi Pro
- Redmi Note 3
- Redmi Note 4
Jadi bagi kalian user #Xiaomi smartphone diatas mungkin bisa untuk mempertimbangkan upgrade either tahun ini atau tahun depan ya guys biar aman semua.
Jangan lupa juga untuk tag temen kalian user Xiaomi smartphone ini agar tau beritanya ya, thank you!
#redmi3s #redmi3x #redmi4 #redmi4a #redmipro #redminote3 #redminote4 #miui #redminote7 #techindo
Mi 9!
Um dos mais novos aparelhos da xiaomi!
@xiaomi_brasill @xiaomi_brasil1.0
#xiaomi #redmi #redmi3s #redmi4x #redminote4 #redmi5 #redminote5 #redminote6pro #redminote7 #mi8lite #mi8 #mi8pro #mi9 #pocophonef1xiaomi #pocophonef1 #mimax #mimax2 #mimax3 #mimix #mimix2 #mimix2s #mimix3 @xiaomibrasilfc @xiaomibaratoemfortaleza @utenti.xiaomi.italia @xiaomimports_br @hjstorebr @xiaomi_brasill @mi.brasil @xiaomi.chile @xiaomi_colombia @xiaomi.portugal #mi2 #mi8litephotography #mi9se #mi9exploreredition @oliviaazevedofernandesi
Boa tarde mi fãs!!
Lindo ou bonito
Não esqueçam de participar do nosso SORTEIO de uma Mi Band 2!!
#xiaomi #redminote6pro #redminote7 #mi8lite #mi9 #mi8pro #mimix3 #pocophonef1 #redminote5 #redmi3s #mi8 @mi.brasil @xiaomi.portugal @xiaomi_colombia @xiaomi.chile
@xiaomi_brasill @xiaomi_brasil1.0
#xiaomi #redmi #redmi3s #redmi4x #redminote4 #redmi5 #redminote5 #redminote6pro #redminote7 #mi8lite #mi8 #mi8pro #mi9 #pocophonef1xiaomi #pocophonef1 #mimax #mimax2 #mimax3 #mimix #mimix2 #mimix2s #mimix3 @xiaomibrasilfc @xiaomibaratoemfortaleza @utenti.xiaomi.italia @xiaomimports_br @hjstorebr @xiaomi_brasill @mi.brasil @xiaomi.chile @xiaomi_colombia @xiaomi.portugal #mi2 #mi8litephotography #mi9se #mi9exploreredition
Xiaomi hentikan pembaruan software untuk Redmi 3s, 3x, 4A, 4, Pro, Note 3 dan Note 4!
Dikutip dari GSMArena, Xiaomi mengkonfirmasi tidak lagi menggulirkan update software untuk 7 smartphone Xiaomi, diantaranya:
- Redmi Note 4
- Redmi 3s
- Redmi 3x
- Redmi 4
- Redmi 4A
- Redmi Note 3
- Redmi Pro
Dengan kabar ini tentu membuat ketujuh smartphone diatas dipastikan tidak akan dapat update MIUI 11 atau MIUI terbaru kelak.
Adakah smartphone kalian diatas?
#Xiaomi #RedmiNote4 #Redmi3s #Redmi3x #Redmi4 #Redmi4A #RedmiNote3 #RedmiPro #tech #gadget #beritagadget
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