rest отдых travel restaurant ресторан donetsk sheshbesh ресторандонецк шашлык summer путешествия отпуск relax fly sea горящиетуры nature донецкрф autumn weekend донецк holiday turkey vacation love sun darkprincess blackpink lisa life гармонния
Мы так часто зацикливаемся на совершенно глупых вещах, что перестаём видеть красоту вокруг себя.
Красота есть во всём. В родинке возле губы, глазах, вечернем небе и даже в обычной чашке кофе. Но чаще всего, вместо того, чтобы обратить на неё внимание, мы замечаем совсем другие вещи. Выходя на улицу, мы не видим прекрасного голубого неба, чистого асфальта и яркого солнца. Мы видим вокруг себя лишь грязь, слякоть и лысые деревья.
Не замечая красоту, мы поддаёмся негативным эмоциям, которые разрушают нас изнутри. Оглянись вокруг! Этот мир прекрасен. Нас окружают красивые люди, природа, архитектура, книги. И если ты научишься замечать эту красоту, то это действительно будет приносить тебе счастье
А что красивого ты видел(а) сегодня? ✨
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Although today may be sad we must continue to push forward because this example shows us each day is precious and we don't know when it will end. Rest easy #nipseyhussle you will be missed. You had the mindset changer for the youth #rip #rest #easy
Thoughts? Drop a comment below DON'T forget to follow us @no925club for
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There are no words right now. Whether you knew of him or just respected a black man being able to overcome the mess and live a positive, meaningful life...this has become some BULLSHIT that the trajectory of our << BLACK MEN >> life span CAN NOT surpass 33 yrs of age because of BULLSHIT NONSENSE VIOLENCE. Why can’t we just live in peace, safe, with the people we love, living life the right way!
There was NO FEAR with this brother.
He will NEVER be silenced.
Selfish mothafs are taking us down FOR WHAT WHEN will this END!
I’m SO SO SO sorry for @laurenlondon and his beautiful family.
#nipseyhussle brother.
You left us WAY too soon!
#RIP #gonetoosoon #nipsey #blackmenmatter #leader #activist #movement #blackhistory #blackmen #rest
Knowing when to stop is honestly not something I am personally very good at, I am still learning that it’s important to listen to my body and know my own limits.
Feeling stressed or allowing yourself to get over stressed, should not be a daily norm and whether you realise it or not could also be causing other problems for both your physical and mental health.
Last week I reached a point where I had to stop, I had to put my wellbeing first; after battling through headaches and an ear infection at the beginning of the week, by Thursday I was exhausted and felt like I was coming undone. I made the mistake for not listening to my body, of not slowing down and not allowing myself to rest and recover.
For #stressawarenessmonth this April I am going to be making more of a conscious effort to listen to my body and respond to what it needs.
Sometimes that will be going to bed very early, sometimes that will be visiting a doctor to get checked out and sometimes that will be KNOWING I NEED TO STOP. .
#morningmotivation #stressawareness #stress #stressedout #stressfree #stressmanagement #stressreduction #knowwhentostop #rest #letyourselfrest #listentoyourbody #listentoyourneeds #loveyourbody #learntostop #health #wellbeing #mentalhealth #laurajaneillustrations #hellohappee
Holthusenbad, dans le quartier d'Eppendorf à Hambourg, est un temple voué à la culture balnéaire. A l'intérieur, une grande piscine à vagues et un bain thermal à 34°C. A l'extérieur, une piscine d'eau fraîche.
#holthusenbad #hamburg #spa #eppendorf #swimmingpool #sauna #rest #urlaub #holthusenbad #healthy #qualitytime #architecture #amazing
девочка, с которой выигрыш - пустяк❌
#евпатория #крым #rest #sport #yevpatoriya #crimeangirl #crimeanow #zlobacrimea #sportfit #ribera #goodday #weekend #travel #photo #body #hair #sportgirl #vsco #vscorussia #fashion #beauty #mood #sunset #spring #vscosport #snapseed #lightroom #lightroompresets #goodnight #empireofsport
Статистика хештегов - Экспортировать в Microsoft Exel
# | Хештег | Фраза | Количество запросов в месяц | Количество постов | Баллы |
1 | #rest | rest | 2794 | 9029694 | 0 |
2 | #отдых | отдых | 8473 | 30490681 | 0 |
3 | #travel | travel | 4127 | 448693755 | 0 |
4 | #restaurant | restaurant | 970 | 31279524 | 0 |
5 | #ресторан | ресторан | 30168 | 4131835 | 7 |
6 | #donetsk | donetsk | 15 | 885032 | 0 |
7 | #sheshbesh | shesh besh | 15 | 3638 | 4 |
8 | #ресторандонецк | ресторан донецк | 27 | 11490 | 2 |
9 | #шашлык | шашлык | 11999 | 1665436 | 7 |
10 | #summer | summer | 3146 | 443735799 | 0 |
11 | #путешествия | путешествия | 5415 | 9009356 | 1 |
12 | #отпуск | отпуск | 8522 | 16195986 | 1 |
13 | #relax | relax | 3702 | 103272601 | 0 |
14 | #fly | fly | 6769 | 17419647 | 0 |
15 | #sea | sea | 3910 | 132700580 | 0 |
16 | #горящиетуры | горящие туры | 59315 | 2425031 | 24 |
17 | #nature | nature | 2286 | 466026098 | 0 |
18 | #донецкрф | донецк рф | 101 | 29268 | 3 |
19 | #autumn | autumn | 10020 | 76856850 | 0 |
20 | #weekend | weekend | 4355 | 121299665 | 0 |
21 | #донецк | донецк | 11169 | 2151770 | 5 |
22 | #holiday | holiday | 2456 | 134537191 | 0 |
23 | #turkey | turkey | 2143 | 49286569 | 0 |
24 | #vacation | vacation | 1631 | 111397707 | 0 |
25 | #love | love | 11620 | 1692194039 | 0 |
26 | #darkprincess | dark princess | 122 | 26000 | 5 |
27 | #blackpink | blackpink | 12485 | 15316775 | 1 |
28 | #life | life | 30451 | 308947140 | 0 |