resurection easter jesus love orthodox christian christ pascha christianity family greece orthodoxchurch antioch antiochianorthodox arisefromthedead boonechurch boonenc fellowship happy instagood jesuschrist journeytopascha liveorthodoxy miracle orthodoxchristian panorthodox photooftheday worship christisrisen orthodoxfamily
Back in 2005 I had done this full size 200x100cm Christ painting that I named" Why do doubts arise in your hearts "
It was way before I did the painting program in Florence Academy and got a better idea on how to paint :)) Although i'm still enjoying looking back at a different way of thinking of composition and fresh ambitions of a younger me and remembering how great of a fun and experience it was !
I might return to this subject at some point once again to give it a new try ! ( Figure has been partly painted from a friend of mine but partly from my self in a mirror plus a deapositive of a holy shroud around which I had tryed working to create my version of portrait of Christ ! )
If you might be interested in a print of the whole painting I will gladly make one for you ! DM
#figurativeart #jesuschrist #christ #resurection#holyshroud #oldpaintingofmine #2005 #fragment #religiousart #genreart #oilpainting #figurepainting #fragment
About a week ago my first camera body decided to take an unplanned bath in a mud puddle the size of a small bog. As I pulled it's fully submerged, lifeless, body out of the gloop there was an onslaught of all of the seven stages of grief at once, plus a few more I don't think people talk about.
Quickly I removed the battery, and memory card and started to administer advanced mouth to battery port resuscitation techniques. Trying to remain optimistic became harder as all attempts to revive were deemed futile by the cruel hand of fate, and with every passing moment the realization that I was out in the back country at least 3 miles away from the nearest bag of rice gained definition in my brain. Stoically I stuffed the camera into my pack and continued on the the rain.
Yesterday I had some downtime so decided to go for a quick run. At the trailhead I made a last minute decision to throw this camera in my pack as a "what the Hell, it might work" sorta thing.
And... IT DID!!! Seriously though, this non weather sealed camera went from fully submerged in a puddle of mud and not working at all, to fully functioning just by me putting it on my defroster to dry out on the way home. I've beat the piss out of this thing, and am always amazed at this little a6000, but this takes that to a whole new level.
Oh yeah, and it felt pretty cool to move I the mountains too!
#sonyalpha #a6000 #sonymirrorless #mountains #running #trailrunning #whitemountains #alpine #fitness #adventure #adventurephotography #goeast #optoutside #repair #resurection
Christ’s resurrection was humanly unthinkable. It was the most shocking event in human history. But the Resurrection of Jesus is also proof of the victory of God's Love over sin and death. It is what gives our hope of life “a rock-sold foundation”. - Pope Francis
#reginacoelis #ester #ostern #pascua #christisrisen #resurection #youcat #youcatchallenge #todaysgospel
Amazing new remix of this classic Planet @perfectorecords Knights - ResuRection (@mauricewest Remix)! #ASOT904
#ResuRection #PlanetPerfectoKnights #MauriceWest #RaveCulture #ASOT #ASOTDAY #AStateOfTrance #Live #Radio #Radioshow #Studio #ArminvanBuuren #AvB #RamonKagie #ArmadaMusic #WeArmada #Podcast #Progressive #PsyTrance #TechTrance #Trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #TranceAddict #TranceFamily #TranceMusic #DJ #Music #InstaChile
This is the other little painting based on a Caravaggio ( "The supper at Emaus"). The subject turns out to be perfect for Easter, so I post this post-crucifixion scene today more as an hommage to the one who rose from the death. Happy Easter!
Voici l'autre peinture faite sur une autre du Caravage ("La cène à Emaus"). Le sujet est parfait pour ces fêtes de Pâques, alors je le poste cette scène de post-crucifixion plus comme un hommage à celui qui s'est levé d'entre les morts. Joyeux Pâques. .
I didn't have time to draw anything for Easter, but I guess comic from last year will be ok
Jesus raised from the dead! Hallelujah! ⛪❤
Nie miałam czasu, żeby narysować cokolwiek na Wielkanoc, ale myślę, że zeszłoroczny komiks da radę
Jezus zmartwychwstał!
Alleluja! ⛪❤
#jesus #christian #christianity #church #love #jesuschrist #resurection #comic #draw #easter #art #sketch
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