revelationrecords straightedge gorillabiscuits nyhc hardcore hardcorepunk punk youthoftoday revhq insideout vinyl bold youthcrew 90shardcore hardcoreshirts hardcorevinyl judge punkhardcore vinylcollection vinylcollector vinylcommunity 80shardcore chainofstrength rageagainstthemachine revelation super7 vinylrecords bandtee bandtshirt gorillabiscuits
Battery aka @batteryhardcore Chemnitz show special design made by @unity_worldwide_records. Thx to my friend @svenguenther for sending me one. Stoked to see battery tomorrow in Stuttgart :-) #battery #ashes #conversionrecords #fortherejectedbytherejected #revelationrecords #outspoken #newagerecords #worldscollide #hardcoreshirts #90shardcore #untiltheend #damnationad #unbroken #strife #undertow #networksound #despair #slugfest #meanseason #driftagain #farcry #flagman
Life Love Shorts part two! #gorillabiscuits #starttoday #holdyourground #revelationrecords #youthoftoday #nyhc #sidebyside #warzone #judge #insted #insideout #hardcoreshirts #80shardcore #90shardcore #judgenyhc #chainofstrength #bold #uniformchoice #alexbrown #ripalexbrown #biohazard #chorusofdisapproval #badreligion #snapcase
On Death and Dying by me circa 1990 You're the only thing that sobers me up
And keeps me always trying
It may look bleak but I can't be weak
And go on with more crying
Each moment I search it won't get worse...
So when will I stop denying
Give up these lies time's ticking by
As I watch this body dying
I'm gonna get some answers
The trivial things I'm caught up in
Can I give up this fantasy?
I know there's more much more in store
Than what my eyes can see
Five minutes, five weeks, or fifty years
Which moment will be the last?
And when time runs out what was it all about
This is going by too fast
You belittle my proplems and by doing so solve them
No more worries today
We say we understand you but don't plan for you
To be coming our way
I fear for my peers and see the future in every elderly body's
But this material fantasy is hard to see
And when death comes we're blown away
Death and dying but no more crying
Meditation on ur bodies temporality is the yogis impetus to grow evolve and not waste a moment. To keep this in the forefront of my mind makes me want to be authentic, keep relationships sweet, carry no resentment , to say “thank you “ and ask for forgiveness. We can’t buy back time no matter how much money one has. Let’s be on our A-Game today!
#shelterband #stagedive #perfectionofdesire #revelationrecords #revhq #straightedge #krishnacore #Raghunathyogi #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #raycappo #yogaphilosophy #messageoftheBhagavat #RamRam #kirtanyoga #japaeverydamnday
Limited inside out design printed by revelation records a few years ago. Ordered a medium back then would love to trade it in a L or XL. #insideout #nospiritualsurrender #revelationrecords #judge #gorillabiscuits #hardcoreshirts #90shardcore #rageagainstthemachine #youthoftoday #judge #bold #80shardcore #turningpoint #quicksand #insted #noforananswer
What’s better than seeing your favorite band play a show? Another favorite playing with them! I love Down To Nothing and I was so excited to see them again.
Can’t wait for @nowarning on Friday, who are definitely in my top 5 along with Have Heart and DTN.
#holdingthemoment #downtonothing #revelationrecords
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