rheumatoiddisease rheumatoidarthritis autoimmunedisease rheumatoid chronicillness rheumatoidarthritiswarrior invisibleillness spoonie autoimmune chronicpain arthritis butyoudontlooksick chroniclife advocate autoimmunediseaseawareness pain smartasselintrip2019 rawarrior fibromyalgia fitness warrior chronicillnesswarrior invisibledisability rheumatoidarthritisawareness arthritiswarrior selfie strength bodypositive shelleysmkworks
Always remember ♡
#chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicillnessstrong #chronicillnessawareness #spoonie #invisibledisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #invisibleillness #spooniewarrior #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicpain #chronicpainawareness #chronicpainwarrior #chronicfatigue #chronicfighter #chronicfatigueawareness #chronicfatiguewarrior #spooniequotes #spoonielife #butyoudontlooksick #chronicallyill #chronicallystrong #invisibledisabilityawareness #rheumatoiddisease #autoimmunedisease #autoimmunediseaseawareness #rheumatoidwarrior #rheumatoidarthritiswarrior
visiting with my mom before she goes into a tedious and difficult surgery early next week. we are having a great couple days just hanging out together-listening to billy joel (one of her faves) and talking. i cleaned her room to get her ready for another move, got lots of flowers, gave a manicure and did her hair, just some mother daughter hang out time.
today’s topic is where we would rather hang out together - so far, we are on the beach with a fresh baguette and butter, baby pickles, and prosciutto. #motheranddaughter #everydaywithra #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritiswarrior #chronicillness #chronicdisease #rheumatoiddisease
wise words from my mama, “you don’t always have to go, go, go. listen to your body and take a nap”. i have a hard time stopping. this disease makes me stop sometimes and that’s a hard pill to swallow for me. most days i push myself and end up worse off than before. so thanks mom, for reminding me to take care of me.
Heya guys! It’s your biology studying, canvas painting, Jesus loving, immunosuppressed, constantly napping, cane wielding, chick here. Almost at 1.8K so I thought that I’d do a reintroduction. I’m going to do the 30 day chronic illness challenge (don’t think I have enough photos but we’ll see how we go aha) and sneak in some mental health stuff too but I think that’s important. I have systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, psoriasis vulgaris, slipped capitol femoral epiphysis, and lots of things going on that they can’t pin point. This has been going on for most of my life, but has just gotten really bad over the last few years. I also have schizoaffective disorder, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and am recovering from anorexia nervosa. Everything I have is either genetic or trauma related (yeah, my family’s medical history is all sorts of MESSED UP). P.s. I love this online community so so much and I think you’re all absolute gems. God bless y’all xx
#systemiconsetjuvenilerheumatoidarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoiddisease #rheumatoidarthritiswarrior #anemia #chronicallyill #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #ptsd #realocd #anxiety #schizoaffective #schizoaffectivebipolardisorder
A sweet lady sent me this card in the mail as a gift, and little does she know how much it truly means to me. With RA being an invisible illness, I do not have something “physical” that I can show people in terms of my illness; therefore, I admire that she took the time to make these cards for individuals with RA.
They can be found on Etsy! Made by CureUp and they are called Rheumatoid Arthritis Emergency Card
#rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoiddisease #chronic #chronicpainwarrior #rheumatoid #arthritis #curearthritis #autoimmine #disease #collegestudent #athlete #workout #exercise #fit #flexibility #fitnessgirl #strength #warrior #invisibleillness #fitness #rheumatoidarthritisawareness #awareness #chronicillness #rawarriorrandi #hopeforacure #acsm #acsmcertified #exercisephysiologist #emergefromRA
“My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment.” —Lisa Genova (@authorlisagenova), “Still Alice”
An article I wrote for @rheumatoidarthritis_hu about the film (and book) “Still Alice” was just published! In the article I try to explore some of the things that both Alzheimer’s and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) share as debilitating chronic illnesses. Please read and I hope you like it!
Link ➡️ https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/living/misunderstood-chronic-condition
Link/URL also currently in my bio/profile
#StillAlice #stillalicemovie #stillalicebook #lisagenova #alzheimers #alzheimersdisease #earlyonsetalzheimers #chronicillness #rheum #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoiddisease #invisibleillness #chroniclife #health #healthcare #degenerativediseases #juliannemoore #kristenstewart #alecbaldwin #independentfilms #film #richardglatzer #katebosworth #patientadvocacy #spoonie #arthritis
#thevintagefashionchallenge day #1 me in a nutshell. Hello everyone, it's been quite an absence. What's up Instagram with not showing likes anymore? Weird. Anyway, I go by the blogger name that grumpy blue chameleon or just grumpy for short. I've been rather sick for the past while and actually haven't felt like myself since last August. Old me- Biked to work everyday, ran 5k a day, weighed 115lbs, had lots of energy and was excited about art, psychiatry, vintage, and sewing. New me- can hardly crawl out of bed to the car without pain in my legs, not excited about much either than when my bedtime can be 8:00pm. Doesn't bike to work every day, definitely does not run 5k a day, weight - definitely not 115lbs. I'm a full time medical student, a part time reviewer for my university writing help center, and slowly a mystery illness is taking over my life. On my worst days, like today I use a cane to get around and fight falling asleep any time I'm seated. This weekend I had a major allergic reaction to something unknown and wound up in ER in need of epinephrine. Now I can't take any of my medications that were treating my symptoms until I see an allergist. Things haven't been easy the last while but I'm hanging in there ❤️ much love to everyone who still follows my page and blog; and much love to everyone out there struggling.
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