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I think Ben still has his spot secured for another year
Follow @viralnflplays (me) if ur cool -
#tombrady #patriots #patriotsnation#gronk #dezbryant #chiefs #saints #jameswhite#shilohdynasty #xxxtentation #ripx #prayersup #nflplayoffs #playoffs #goat#footballisback #nfl #Superbowl #patrickmahomes #rigged #goat #run #beastmode
No bra-no makeup-over here living my best au natural life. Untouched and not worried about a damn thing because my frequencies are vibrating so high
Eye love not being controlled by anyone but mycellf
FYI- if you’re watching the Super Bowl and honestly think it’s all real- you are being controlled. Eye hate talking about this stuff but love you enough to share the truth ✨ #rigged
#nomakeup #bare #aunaturale #superbowl
P.s. go watch my story for more info
Congrats to @all.around_angling for bringing in a #largemouthbass on The Midwest Mermaid! He said he was having a tough day and threw about everything he could think of and they wouldn’t commit. He tied on this black and blue Midwest Mermaid and boom this bass wanted the bait and struck it like a freight train!
Get yours now at www.ladyofthelakebaits.com
#mermaidbait #bassfishing #bucketmouth #texasrig #rigged #mysterytacklebox #newbaits #fishing #fiske #ponds #illinoisfishingaddicts #softplastic #mermaidsarereel #bassmaster #bassmafia #baits #icast2019
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