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Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

Creativity returns. Alive and kicking. And here’s a picture I shot riding a gondola late night in Venice. I didn’t know jack squat about shutter speed. But there you go and let’s call it art. What an evening that was. But this is now! To deal with the old, box it and deal, why it comes at the end of a process I’m thinking. Out of the dark and into the light, as Tina sang in one of my favorite bursts of creativity. Well, out of the blue the lyric went but in this context I’m thinking out of the dark. Or through it, as is custom. Good day indeed. Grand even. The old comes around goes around to finally disburse in invisible vapor. When it’s dealt with. Still inside the rush though. Coffee and some kind of YouTube vaganza? It’s plausible. And enough of the old I’m thinking. In with the new. The season is pushing me on I believe. All of us? I wouldn’t know. I’ve had my head deep into the computer all day long. But certainly me. It’s like, get on with it. It’s a great feeling. With every season? No. But once in a while a good one comes along and I have a strong feeling this summer will be something special. I can taste the salty water as I type. Or, in the case I end up in Como, the sweet water. Or, I end up somewhere else, whatever is on offer. Optimist? Not really. Just overwhelmed by creative vibes. Not that I’m not an optimist. No Sir. But the pessimist in me won’t let me brag about it. So there you go. I could focus on some news here to bring it all down but see, I won’t. Not a bit of it. Not on this day. Screw the news. Just beauty please. A’thank you. With that bit of, I don’t know, we arrive at the important part. The one where I wish one and everyone a peaceful evening. So there, wished. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

That can’t be good for my ego. No Sir but Ma’am, the clearly talented @s_aynat tagged me in this and let it be known I’ve always let these things go to my head. Oh this is profile pixel worthy. I’ve got a beard now but the hat is spot on. How did she know? I only wear it in secret. Great work @s_aynat, I mean, if your name truly is @s_aynat? I suspect no. Still, go give her a follow. Perhaps the @‘s will be included soon. M @‘Lindblom? There’s a ring to it. Perhaps the ring of the foolish and silly but then, the world does imitate the internet these days. Incredibly sad, using the word with some meaning and not just twitter punchy. I mean, see what I mean? Politics, all twitter these days. Oh, oh also. Posted a simple recipe for Swedish pytt i panna in stories. Felt right to do right by history and document the event. Oh, oh also, they’re getting the kids out of the cave. That’s good news but back to the Pytt. As if it’s historically important, there you have it. And if that’s not exciting for a Sunday evening, why I can’t help you. But don’t say I didn’t try. Ok, that’s a peaceful evening wished to one and everyone. Tomorrow’s Monday and you know what that means? I’m actually asking. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

Thinking of my friend Oksana. Memory popped up on FaceBook and there she was. 7 years ago worth. Feels like, three. Not that I don’t think of her often because I do. Fireheart. Lest I forget. Never met anyone as set on things. Focused and passionate. Made things happen. There was no maybe in Oksana. Inspired bigger things than even she knew. Huge integrity. Stubbornness, more so than me. Believe me, however impossible that sounds. Not surprising we had arguments. Do or don’t, we synced there. What’s right is right and what’s true is light. The truth always reveals. Did not back down. Admirable. People who are really good wants to create with the best people they can find, he said. I feel that goes for words, notes or whatever art really. There’s a law of attraction there. The rest is just noise. Polarized opinions are good as well, if you’re good. Don’t be noise is what I’m saying. It’s not a popularity contest you know, process. Nor is it a democracy because that would be actively betraying the result. Stuff like that, we’d air. Way beyond her years, she was wise. Gone too soon? Of course. “It’s important that you do this Mattias.” How right she was. Fireheart. A peaceful day wished to one and everyone. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

Look at that, me and Anna street hanging in summer Stockholm. Sweet but on a whole other topic, just because you have the right to say whatever doesn’t mean your whatever’s right. Yes, I looked at Twitter. Like starring into the abyss ney, over a vast desert of nothingness. If you ask me. No? Well, I’ll whatever about it anyways. Starters, two fools don’t make a smart. Let marinate whilst bearing with my frustration, a potential hoot. Online adults, the new evil toddlers and before you tweet offended, look at you, you’re expressing whatever’s! Kindly, I’m not pestering someone else’s whatever with mine. I doubt way to much to do that. Therefor I am? That’s a whole other topic but relevant. Not the lacking doubt on Twitter but it’s mantra, I am. So let’s nip that tweet in the bud, as if it was important. See, if you’re an online adult who spend your time on Candy Crush chances are when real adults are talking, your whatever opinion will possibly spell banana, nuclear, banana, kiwi, religion, onion. See that’s no good. Leads to the inevitable apology fit for the insane. The digging the hole of utter foolishness deeper whilst retweeting the ignorant who take pity on ignorance to justify their ignorance, stamping your apology hollow. Despair the regression. Bare with me despairing, it’s informative. Isn’t the point of growing up to gain experience and insights, hinting the real youth in some kind of not dying direction? Pretty fucking genetic no? A hornets nest of online adults competing to do their worst, a public competition of who’s “no seriously” the dumbest. There’s no price at the end. Outlandish absolute buffoonery but that’s never rewarding is it? Not after third grade it isn’t. No dessert for you online adults! None, you nincompoops. Some good people on Twitter but why they are there is beyond me. And sure, fools were always the laugh of the schoolyard. Get out of the schoolyard is what I’m saying. Those swings will give you a hernia now and honestly, it looks plain weird. The sun is shining, it’s a beautiful day in the capital and a peaceful Saturday wished to one and everyone. Yes yes. Stick that on Twitter, you’ll never find me there. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

Someone drew that. Rather good I think. Pretty spot on. My dear friend Vlad informed me two things. It’s 19022019 and there’s a super moon tonight. Those two things grant two wishes I’m thinking. I shall of course keep them to myself as to make them as powerful as can be, but believe me when I type, they’re wished. Hard. In full and from an equally full heart, my sincere gratitude to all of you good, good people who have messaged me, mailed me, made videos, called me, tagged me and posted at me. I could go on but I wouldn’t want to bore anyone. It’s precious is what I’m saying is what I’m saying. And I don’t believe I’ve missed much. And if I have, trust me, not intentional. Yes I’ve removed some pictures on account of embarrassing vanity on my part but please, I still highly appreciate. It’s long already right? This thank you message. But see, like someone wise once said, I wish I could say this quicker but, I simply don’t have the time. A million songs have been written and we still haven’t found, what we’re looking for. And as Chaplin said, love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express. He actually did use the phrase perfect love but I find that rather superfluous in this here scenario. Besides, the good stuff is to be found in the imperfect anyways nes’t pas? The man said a great deal of wonderful things and most of it’s magic to me. Anywho and before I turn into some kind of walking cliche factory, means a whole lot, one and everyone. A, whole, lot. So thank you, gracias, merci, danke, grazie, spasiba, krasno and around we go. ❤️ Ooops. Almost forgot. A peaceful night wished to one and everyone. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

Last one to leave, souped up on Christmas and sugar. Freya had to be carried home, in a bag. As depicted in my string of pixels here. Fair enough. She wouldn’t last long on a hike anyways. Short legs see. Christmas was on high. Turnt! A good amount of Glögg was downed, my French bakery bakers had outdone themselves with their saffron cake supreme and thus ended the evening, this year’s Glögg vaganza, in a rather spirited fashion. God it’s good with Christmas this year. Most welcome. I couldn’t testify to that any less honest than Cohen under FBI scrutiny. Because it’s a mad world right now. Mad I tell you. But if we can’t come together under the sparkling lights of Christmas why, it’s a little like that famous myth. What he said. Well, he never did but bare with me. What Churchill didn’t say when confronted by the never asked question why he spent massive resources on the creation and salvaging of art during ww2. We know that he did some of that, true, and again I’m reminding you of what he didn’t answer but still, valid point. I mean, you be the judge of that. I don’t know for sure but we can try to find out. Join me here. To which he never really responded something to the gist of, then what are we fighting for? Now, I could think of a good few other reasons sure but again, I present you with a somewhat valid still. The whole thing made extra famous through that excellent flick with Clooney in it. Don’t follow? Me neither. Lost it around salvaging. I’m sure there was a point somewhere, at the start. I’m still sugared up so I wouldn’t trust it. Glögg, a cunning combination of sugar, alcohol and what I suspect is Christmas? Woke up rather recently. Perhaps, Christmas as method to the madness? It’ll come to me. Maybe next year. But it is a very welcome Christmas indeed. Just look at that punum o’Freya. There’s Christmas in those eyes clearly. Worth it. It’s decidedly so. With a Ho Ho. A peaceful Saturday wished to one and everyone though. Can we get some snow? No? Jack, that’s just low. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

Look at that. Present. From the good people in the Evolution fanclub. Now, first off, it’s a 3D printed moonlamp. Secondly, little did they know I’ve had my eyes on this baby for years. I truly, honestly wanted one. I do love a good lamp. You should know that about me. In fact, I adore a great lamp. Lumière and all that. I have way too many for my own good and space to move. But this one takes a window position. And I’ll gaze at it. Properly. Fascinated by the exact replication of all of ours moon. Extraordinary. My warm thank you and mucho love to each and everyone of you. Every year you surprise me and even though customs kept it for a good few months, I’m a happy birthday boy. Yes I am. It’s also Wednesday. That’s grand. Midweek creativity and that’s the way I like it. Enough time before the weekend to get lots of stuff done and enough days under the belt to be well prepared. Know what I mean? It’s a good place to be. Is what I’m saying. Wish I could say more but you’d have to sign an NDA. All in good time. Now I’ll spend a good chunk of the evening exploring the surface of the moon. That’s time well spent. A peaceful evening wished to one and everyone and catch you on the dark side. Radio silence imminent. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

As a kid, my mother held me so very close by the sea. As a man, I hold my mother so very close by the ocean. It’s Mother’s Day in Sweden and the church bells are ringing outside as I type. The sun’s out, birds are singing and the sky is blue. There’s flowers everywhere and I’m thinking of a poem my mother wrote. A peaceful day wished to one and everyone. #saintstockholm

Hashtags sur le sujet #SAINTSTOCKHOLM

Hope is only to be found where and when it’s needed I’m thinking. Can’t touch it so magical that way. Plenty to go around one would think. Considering the state of the world for one who’s observant for one as it were. And that’s enough to at least put on some pants and get out searching. I often find hope in amazing art. There’s hope in youth when I see some young kid sing his or her unusually developed and genius heart out. There’s hope in the future to be found in stuff like that. And we need that. That can quickly get balanced out watching kids debate politics on TV but blame that on nervous irresponsible adults. Unless that kid harbors an unusually developed and genius heart. Then I’m all ears. There’s great hope to be found singing myself when at least one person is taking precious time to come listen. Time is most valuable and don’t you forget it. Last weekend being a great example. Gave me great hope for the past as well. That I’ve not just wasted my time. That I went against advice, fears and comfort to followed a dream. Well, I always say it’s not a choice really but for arguments sake. Oh there’s been some times that might be considered wasteful but still standing grand believer in overall perspectives, wouldn’t want to risk changing a thing. No thanks Marty McFly. Step away from the De Lorean. Some magic should remain of the movie kind. Because that was an extraordinary evening for me, Saint Petersburg. Just wonderful and to all the kind people who showed up, the great and sweet people taking care of us, hear this. It takes a week to have these things sink in. It’s too overwhelming to just take in all of it at the time. The angel’s in the details no? So little by little I’m turning up the wick and allowing for full appreciation. Might knock me over but it’s worth it. Now, I could go on complaining about rather crazy politics in Sweden where people who get 8 percent of the vote believe they should rule but see, there’s great hope to be found elsewhere. I’ll focus on that. Hey, look at that yesterday’s most peculiar and curious visitor on my kitchen floor. A peaceful day wished to one and and everyone. #saintstockholm

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