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We should have named this one ‘Grace’ :) A handwoven linen saree in the most perfect khaki! Umn, for days when you don’t want to wear those regular khaki pants ;-) Rs 3675. Shop under ‘Linens under Rs 4500’. Direct link in stories.
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The most stunning of all ikat weaves is the one from Sambalpur, Orissa. This one with the laal paar has all our ♥️ Shop under ‘Evergreen Cottons’. Direct link in stories. #sareeshopping #whitefield #handloomsarees #cottonsarees #ikatsarees #sambalpurisarees #thechalkboutique #bangaloreshopping #sareestores
The color of summer - Lilac. Pure handloom linen saree in lilac with broad grey and zari border. Shop under ‘Linens under Rs 4500’. Direct link in stories.
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Handloom 'tant' cotton saree with border and contrast blouse fabric. Soft, light and very comfortable to drape, thesesarees are characterized by a broad border, a decorative pallav and are woven with a variety of floral and paisley motifs. These sarees become very soft after 2-3 washes. Shop under ‘Evergreen Cottons’. Rs 1260 each.. Link in stories.
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Handloom 'tant' cotton saree with border and contrast blouse fabric. Soft, light and very comfortable to drape, thesesarees are characterized by a broad border, a decorative pallav and are woven with a variety of floral and paisley motifs. These sarees become very soft after 2-3 washes. Shop under ‘Evergreen Cottons’ Rs 1260 each. Link in stories.
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{ Launched - Handloom Mark Begumpuri Sarees } - Begumpuri sarees are handwoven in the small town of Begumpur, West Bengal. These sarees can be identified by their loosely woven, light-weight make and have contrasting borders in red, black, purple, orange etc. The borders are emphasized by a serregated edge motif.Narrow borders are woven with designs of a variety of stripes an figured motifs using cotton yarn on the weft. Weavers use a pit loom or frame loom for weaving these sarees with extra warp of 2/100s or 2/80s cotton yarn.Each saree comes with pure handloom mark.
Shop under ‘Begumpuri Sarees’. Direct link in stories.
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