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“The more I experience... the more I realize how little I know. “ And, I’m grateful for it. - - - I’ll post a full update soon, but this sums things up quite succinctly. #tbt to one of my last progress pics. - - - Thankful to be alive today, and for the opportunity to connect with each of you! - #healthiswealth #fitness #wisdom #aging #supermoon #smile #foolonthehill #lessons #learning #searcher #family #supportsystem #thankfulthursday #gratitude #positivevibes #sockdrawer #health #cattoys

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Practice Mood - Relax and hits- The more you breathe, the more you can have impacts--⚡✨ Always exploring with the kind regards of my @bandidas_crew @farrah_karamell @cintia_bandidas @pocarbk ❤️ #bandidascrew #popping #practice #power #dance #backtothelab #exploring #style #searcher #grace #smooth #electric

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I generally have a very strong gut instinct. If something is off, I already know It. If something is right, there is a strong sense of peace about it. I knew I needed to get in the car and make a big push north to Oregon... but I just wasn't QUITE ready to leave #laketahoe As I was reluctantly driving out of town, my eyes spotted this long dock and i felt drawn to it. (Mostly bc it was the only one that didn't have a gate on it to keep random passers by like me off). I whipped my car around, packed up a little picnic lunch, and sat at the end just staring out at the vastness that is this lake. The water was crystal clear and the sun was shining warm on what was otherwise a chilly California day. It was calm... and peaceful. And so was I. About an hour passed, and I finally felt it release. It was time to move on. So I got back in the car... and that's what I did. . Oddly enough, this was only my second favorite boat dock of the trip. #the80hourdate #lifeunscripted

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I decide the vibe • • • • • #goodvibes #viber #searcher #arabiandays #latinx #hairstraight #hairexpress #menstyle

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From @bajawhale: "Common dolphins frolicking. We don’t think common dolphins are all that 'common.' by Val Guarin." __________ Here's a bit of info from our friends at MarineBio.Org on this spectacular animal, which actually has 3 separate subspecies: "Common dolphins are typically 1.7-2.6m in length and weigh between 70-135kg. They are fusiform (shaped like a fish) and slender. __________ These amazing animals are very social and often travel in enormous pods of more than a thousand. They're known for their high leaps out of the water, sometimes simultaneously in groups, and they enjoy riding the bow waves of boats for long periods of time. They are a very energetic and highly vocal species that produce a variety of whistles, pulses, and clicks that are easily heard by divers." As well as all that, they're an incredibly important part of their ecosystem - as are all animals <3 _______________ #commondolphins #dolphins #commondolphins #dolphinsdays #dolphins #calmocean #dolphin #ocean #marinebiology #naturegram #animallovers #dolphinncounters #cabosanlucasmexico #searcher #bajawhale #exploring #wildlife #wildlifephotography #conservation #savetheocean #marinebiology #photography #vitaminsea #ocean #oceanlife #searchernht #teamsearcher #fortheloveoftheocean #oceanview #lagunasanignacio

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#Hare #Ham #Monster_Rancher #smartest #Searcher #Fairy_Hare #Wild_Hare #Anime #Manga #Game #Tecmo #Draw #Drawing #Design #Photo #sketch #Random #adventure

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Some photographs are meant to be, but a few of them, are destine to be black and white. . . B&W photography is a passion that runs deep. Timeless, classic, they stir my soul. They contain all the colors in the spectrum, yet we see none. . . Model: @rachratch_ . . #takechances #myphotography

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Sobre a voz em seu coração: Escuta! #gratidão #buscadora #conheceteatimesmo #gratitude #searcher #knowthyself

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#trendsetter #frontman #rockstar #engineer #jetsetter #seeker #maker #environmentalist #magician #architect #lover #gearhead #daredevil #brewmaster #primadonna #wingman #avenger #cyborg #dj #guru #searcher #interiordesigner #outsider #musician #pioneer #composer #scholar #electrician #astronaut #author

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