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Hashtags qui incluent hashtag #SHOPLOCALCANADA
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Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

Do you think anyone would notice if we grabbed some wine and slipped into this tub for.. let’s say.. a week? ‍♀️

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

What is your favorite? :: Posted @withrepost • @bear_the_planet Happy weekend! Hope you're enjoying the lovely weather (in #montreal) - May: best month of the year! (Then again I am a little bit biase... 'Tis my bday month ) How to love the Earth? Easy!! *** ** * #noplanetb #shoplocalcanada #shopwithconscience #plantatree #sustainabilitymatters #sustainableliving #cleanplanet #climateaction #lesswaste #consciousconsumer #plasticplanet #reducewaste #plasticfree #recycleplastic #plasticfreeoceans #environment #cleanouroceans #cleanfuture #notoplasticbags #plasticpollution #bthechange #reducereuserecycle #BeatPlasticPollution #savetheplanet #avoidplastic #greenlivingtips #reducereuserecycle #reduceplasticwaste #reducecarbonfootprint #protectourplanet

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

Same @shoptallow skirt, this time paired with a blazer for an office look. It’s so important (especially when I’m with clients) that I pick versatile pieces that can work in many settings. Shopping with this philosophy is not only budget friendly, its eco friendly . . . @tiamacpherson35 @rebeccarosebeauty_ . . . #wardrobestylist #fashioninspo #ottawafashion #ottawastyle #canadianstyle #ootd #summerstyle #springstyle #animalprint #shoplocalcanada #boutique #corporatestyle #workwear #officeattire

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

This naturally dyed swaddle is loved by everyone, even Armand’s sister is trying to steel it from him! Can’t blame her, it is buttery soft!! This is the rust and it will be available along with 3 other amazing colors @une_maman_louve Shame on you if you don’t follow her already

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

I will be at the @orangevillefarmersmarket tomorrow, Saturday May 4th with Spring and summer wreaths, some fresh cut flowers and some great mother’s day gift ideas! Drop by and say hey between 8 am and 1 pm! Hope yo see you there

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

Ready for the summer! ☀️ . I finished my “Lazy” Dukes knit test for my friend @ninabellaknits and I’m in love!! . Stay tuned for the release of this pattern on Katrina’s Instagram

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

Must. Eat. Everything. x We’re at the stage where everything that can (& even things that shouldn’t) are going into the mouth whether it tastes good or not. This weekend we’re gonna try some baby cereal with this girl & us parents are probably the most excited about it - something about babies eating is THE cutest. x What was your little babe’s first food & did they like it? I’ll definitely share some footage of how our experience goes. • • • #kidsforreal #childhoodeveryday #themagicofchildhood #babygirllove #babymoments #storytellingmama #documentyourdays #momentsofmine #babyfirsts #firstfoods #motherhoodlens #littleaccountlove #igmamasquad #weegallery #shoplocalcanada #exbpresets #bumblebabeeboutique

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

Notepads and Weekly planner pads looking lovely @givinggiftsca

Hashtags sur le sujet #SHOPLOCALCANADA

Hands down our new favourite set up - Parker gets to stand + jump on her own & Mama gets to sit down & give her arms a rest. x At first she was just staring at her shadow on the wall (lol) so I knew I wanted some high contrast cards to give her something more entertaining to look at which in return, would give Mama a little bit more time for anything she wants (jk have to clean). #ad These Wee Gallery art cards are from @bumblebabeeboutique who carry so many awesome Canadian brands & ethically-made baby products. x It’s a never ending cycle of bounce, rest, stare at these cards & then scream + bounce of excitement. It’s the same thing every day but as long as she’s lovin’ it, it’ll never get old. #shoplocalcanada #bumblebabee • • • #weegallery #thepursuitofjoy #ig_motherhood #candidchildhood #babytoys #littleaccountlove #kidsforreal #shopsmalllove #supportsmallshop #letthembelittle #thesearethedays #mynameismama #motherhoodalive #babygirllove #exbpresets #jollyjumper

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