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What is your favorite?
Posted @withrepost • @bear_the_planet Happy weekend! Hope you're enjoying the lovely weather (in #montreal) - May: best month of the year! (Then again I am a little bit biase... 'Tis my bday month )
How to love the Earth? Easy!!
#noplanetb #shoplocalcanada #shopwithconscience #plantatree
#sustainabilitymatters #sustainableliving #cleanplanet #climateaction #lesswaste #consciousconsumer #plasticplanet #reducewaste #plasticfree #recycleplastic #plasticfreeoceans #environment #cleanouroceans #cleanfuture #notoplasticbags #plasticpollution #bthechange #reducereuserecycle #BeatPlasticPollution #savetheplanet #avoidplastic #greenlivingtips #reducereuserecycle #reduceplasticwaste #reducecarbonfootprint #protectourplanet
Same @shoptallow skirt, this time paired with a blazer for an office look. It’s so important (especially when I’m with clients) that I pick versatile pieces that can work in many settings. Shopping with this philosophy is not only budget friendly, its eco friendly . .
@tiamacpherson35 @rebeccarosebeauty_ .
#wardrobestylist #fashioninspo #ottawafashion #ottawastyle #canadianstyle #ootd #summerstyle #springstyle #animalprint #shoplocalcanada #boutique #corporatestyle #workwear #officeattire
Must. Eat. Everything.
We’re at the stage where everything that can (& even things that shouldn’t) are going into the mouth whether it tastes good or not. This weekend we’re gonna try some baby cereal with this girl & us parents are probably the most excited about it - something about babies eating is THE cutest.
What was your little babe’s first food & did they like it? I’ll definitely share some footage of how our experience goes.
#kidsforreal #childhoodeveryday #themagicofchildhood #babygirllove #babymoments #storytellingmama #documentyourdays #momentsofmine #babyfirsts #firstfoods #motherhoodlens #littleaccountlove #igmamasquad #weegallery #shoplocalcanada #exbpresets #bumblebabeeboutique
Hands down our new favourite set up - Parker gets to stand + jump on her own & Mama gets to sit down & give her arms a rest.
At first she was just staring at her shadow on the wall (lol) so I knew I wanted some high contrast cards to give her something more entertaining to look at which in return, would give Mama a little bit more time for anything she wants (jk have to clean). #ad These Wee Gallery art cards are from @bumblebabeeboutique who carry so many awesome Canadian brands & ethically-made baby products.
It’s a never ending cycle of bounce, rest, stare at these cards & then scream + bounce of excitement. It’s the same thing every day but as long as she’s lovin’ it, it’ll never get old. #shoplocalcanada #bumblebabee
#weegallery #thepursuitofjoy #ig_motherhood #candidchildhood #babytoys #littleaccountlove #kidsforreal #shopsmalllove #supportsmallshop #letthembelittle #thesearethedays #mynameismama #motherhoodalive #babygirllove #exbpresets #jollyjumper
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