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Today matters for eternity. It really does. It doesn’t matter what today consists of...the choices made today will have an eternal impact.
Today, let’s choose to open our Bibles. Let’s learn who God is. Let’s ask God to transform us and change us from the inside out.
Today, let’s look for those around us that need encouragement. A call, a text, a note, a Facebook message, flowers for a friend, intentional time with our kids or spouse, or a smile to a mom struggling at the grocery store means more than you might think.
Today, let’s work for the Lord. Whether that means paperwork or dishes. Let’s live #everymomentforhisglory right where He has us.
Today matters for eternity. Let’s glorify God in what we do today! What are you doing today that you can do for His glory?
I remember reading these words in the weeks after our second daughter passed away. I clung to it in desperate hope. How could He take this brokenness and bring beauty from ashes. Now nearly five years later, my heart aches for my baby girl, and yet I see how His goodness carried me through. It was on a long car ride a few weeks after Sophia died that my husband asked me the question of how I could allow God to use my grief to bring others to the Lord. I couldn't even imagine my pain being used for good, but I clung to the promise that it would (Romans 8:28). It was in the weeks that flowed that I would write my first study and and nervously send the raw and vulnerable words to print. I do not understand it all, but I know that somehow He has replaced sorrow with joy as I am able to encourage women in their walk with the Lord. I still ache for my daughter, but I am trusting that His plan is what is best for me. I look around and see her legacy. I think of her when I see @thedailygraceco get tagged in photos as tens of thousands of women use our resources. The ashes of mourning have by His grace alone been turned to joy. For now it is joy that is mingled with sadness, but someday when God makes all things new it will be full and complete joy. On that day I will worship my God forever...but the amazing thing is that I can worship Him right now too.
I don't know what you are facing or how your heart is breaking, but I know what it is like to be the girl that struggles to smile because her heart is breaking. I know what it is to be the girl whose husband finds her sobbing on the bathroom floor in grief. But because of His grace, I also know what it is like to trade my sorrows for joy that only He can bring. The kind of joy that isn't dependent on circumstances, but on Him.
So I don't know what you are facing, but I know who He is. And I know that He will not let your story end in ashes.
And if you just need someone to pray for you today, just leave a little ❤️ in the comments, and I would love to pray for you.
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Criei coragem ❤
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“Seja fiel ao seu esposo, mesmo que você ainda não tenha um.” (Josemar Bessa)
#relacionamentocristão #jovenscristaos #casalcristao #casamentocristão #solideogloria #solafide #solagratia #solascriptura #soluschristus #cosmovisãocristã #cosmovisaoreformada #fécristã #fereformada #josemarbessafrases
Não se iludam. Existem 2 movimentos bem perigosos para se fazer a partir do que vemos por aqui: 1. Diminuir o esforço do outro e arrumar desculpas para ele fazer X ou Y e eu não. 2. Aumentar sobremaneira o outro a ponto de não imaginar seus defeitos e dificuldades.
Não se iludam com a vida via Instagram! Primeiro não se iludam achando que já CONHECEM aquela pessoa. Gente, por mais que alguém faça muitos stories (e estou falando daquela linha de costura que fica imensa), juntando tudo dá o que? 8 minutos? 10? Não se esqueçam que o dia tem 24 HORAS e que aqueles pequenos vídeos representam pouquíssimo da complexa vida de um ser humano ou de uma família. Segundo, não se iludam achando que a vida daquela pessoa é perfeita e a sua não é. Olhando o condomínio que a pessoa mora, seu sorriso bonito, sua estante de livros, as unhas feitas... pode dar a impressão de que tudo funciona perfeitamente pra ela, de que ela não se cansa, não se entristece, não peca ♀️ Que tudo o que mostramos aqui sirva para apontar pra Deus, só. Meu objetivo não é mostrar qualquer força ou boa obra minha, mas mostrar que é Deus quem capacita, que é Deus que faz a diferença entre um estilo de vida e outro, que é Deus quem traz paz mesmo em meio às dificuldades, que é o conhecimento de Deus que precisa ser valorizado. Não se iludam, do lado de cá existe uma pecadora, uma pessoa carente da graça do Senhor, alguém que compartilha só aquilo que tem aprendido no caminho. #vidareal #solideogloria #calmanasconclusões #agramadovizinhonãoémaisverde
2 Corinthians 5:21 "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." #martynlloydjones #bible #truth #scripture #christian #christianity #theology #thegospel #gospel #solascriptura #solideogloria #doctrine #prayer #jesus #god #expositorypreaching #5solas #tulip #church #salvation #grace #faith #jesuschrist #lord #savior #reformed #reformedtheology #solafide #soluschristus #thursday
2 Corinthians 4:17-18 "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." #johnmacarthur #bible #truth #scripture #christian #christianity #theology #thegospel #gospel #solascriptura #solideogloria #doctrine #prayer #jesus #god #expositorypreaching #5solas #tulip #church #salvation #grace #faith #jesuschrist #lord #savior #reformed #reformedtheology #solafide #soluschristus #wednesday
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