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Hashtags sur le sujet #STARTERLOCS

Sunflower soul Necklace: @worthyofevolving

Hashtags sur le sujet #STARTERLOCS

7 wks & 3 days since my last retwist! I’m loving my new growth! SWIPE LEFT for more!<<<< (3 months & 10 days into my loc journey)

Hashtags sur le sujet #STARTERLOCS

@kaliyaashley and her mom twinning . #Locs #LocStyles #LocJourney #TeamLocs #WomenWithLocs #LuvYourMane #StarterLocs #BabyLocs #CombCoils #TwoStrandTwist #Dreads #LadiesWithLocs #Locology #Sisterlocks #LocNation #LocLife #LocConnection #BlackGirlsLoc #LocdBeauty #Dreadlocks #LocQueen #LocsofLove . Amazing Dreads ---- Follow @Zeekdreads

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Fresh starter locs ✨✨ @derrikaloclova . . . Follow us: @naturalstylestory Check out our shop: @everydayfroday Use #naturalstylestory for a feature

Hashtags sur le sujet #STARTERLOCS

Dear Locs, You gave me a glow✨ I never knew existed! Much appreciated! -Me #8monthslocd #womenwithlocs #locupdate #locqueen #locd #locnation #loclivin #locs #locs #natural #naturalhair #naturalhairstyles #locjourney #locstylesforwomen #locstyles #starterlocheadz #starterlocs #loccommunity #locgoddess #loclife #locsrock #teamlocs #blackgirlsloc #bareface #naturallook #naturalface #naturalbodiesmatter

Hashtags sur le sujet #STARTERLOCS

#sidebyside Saturday ✨ Ill hit 8 months on my loc journey in a week and as you see here, nuthin too drastic is happenin. I got to hear @heyfranhey speak a couple weeks ago at NYU and she referred to a journey as a “Slow Burn”. Not only did that resonate with me SOOO much because I’m a candle lover and love when my favorite candles take their time to burn so I can enjoy them longer , but because my Loc journey is on slow burn. Every shed hair is accumulating into itself and other shed hairs before it to form. That takes time and it’s a cool ass thing our hair can do. All good things take time and you can’t avoid the process. So don’t get discouraged when you’re 2, 4, 6 months into your process and it seems like nuthin is happening because somethin IS happening. Trust Me. You gon miss your hair at this beginning stage when u reminisce and look back. Love your hair the way it looks TODAY. on the gold Fulani earrings • • • • • • • • #appreciateeverystage #starterlocs #starterlocheadz #loclivin #womenwithlocs #locjourney #babylocs #twostrandtwist #twostrandtwistlocs #locstyles #starterlocstyles #locnation #locbun #biancajeanlocs #naturalhair @essence

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Follow @NaturallyChicLocs for more content . . #NaturallyChicLocs . #Locs #LocStyles #LocJourney #TeamLocs #WomenWithLocs #LuvYourMane #StarterLocs #BabyLocs #CombCoils #TwoStrandTwist #Dreads #LadiesWithLocs #Locology #Sisterlocks #LocNation #LocLife #LocConnection #BlackGirlsLoc #LocdBeauty #Dreadlocks #LocQueen #LocsofLove .

Hashtags sur le sujet #STARTERLOCS

I really tried to cut bae out but it was too close and the point of my post was lost. Point being how angles really impact how long my locs look especially being #teamlongneck . Who else has that one picture where you’re like “ooohhh lengthh” ‍♀️ . . . . . . . #locs #locjourney #starterlocs #teenagerlocs #loclivin #interlocs #microlocs #smalllocs #interlocks #DIYlocs #DIYlocjourney #interlocjourney #microlocjourney #homegrownlocs #locs #not #dreads #locnation #naturallychiclocs #teamlocs #womenwithlocs #locstyles #locology #loccommunity #ladieswithlocs #dubailocs

Hashtags sur le sujet #STARTERLOCS

Lovely Dreads . #Locs #LocStyles #LocJourney #TeamLocs #WomenWithLocs #LuvYourMane #StarterLocs #BabyLocs #CombCoils #TwoStrandTwist #Dreads #LadiesWithLocs #Locology #Sisterlocks #LocNation #LocLife #LocConnection #BlackGirlsLoc #LocdBeauty #Dreadlocks #LocQueen #LocsofLove . ---- Follow @Zeekdreads

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