studioganesha yoga doyoga letsstartyoga асаны беломорская йога йогамск речнойвокзал ховрино йогуакаждыйдень йогакаждыйдень здороваяспина amor cuidedevoc essencia purifica renascimento respira terapias yogalover знакомствоспреподавателями йогапреподаватели хатха bioyoga yogacivitavecchia yogaeverydamnday yogaeveryday йогуакаждыйдень
Друзья, это реклама))) 26 мая в 13:00 приглашаю вас в нашу студию @yogastudio_ganesha где состоится мастер-класс заботы о своей красоте, который проведет @yulia_piskulina_tcm . Вы узнаете как вернуть вашему лицу сияние, гладкость и мягкость кожи, душевное равновесие. Освоите простые и действенные техники гуаша по уходу за лицом и шеей, научитесь расслаблять нервную систему посредством легкого массажа головы и шеи. Когда я была в Индии, я прошла у Юли данный мастер-класс, с тех пор скребок гуаша всегда у меня под рукой и я его использую, когда нужно утром пробудиться ото сна, когда вечером снять усталость или просто подарить себе время заботы. Это может быть 5 минут, 10 мин или полчаса... эффект всегда виден)) Ждем вас в тёплой и уютной атмосфере нашей студии !
Важно: количество мест ограничено, запись у администратора обязательна☝️#гуашалица #красота #studioganesha
Со светлым Праздником Пасхи, друзья✨✨✨
Сегодня практикуем с ещё большей силой добрых намерений
А расписание на ближайшие майские праздники уже доступно на сайте➡️
Доброго воскресенья!❤️
#йогуакаждыйдень #йога #асаны
#yoga #doyoga #letsstartyoga #studioganesha #йогамск #речнойвокзал #ховрино #беломорская
Vivência: Purificação pelos quatro elementos
16 de maio de 2019 às 19h, no Studio Ganesha!
Vou compartilhar com vocês sobre as práticas de purificação que tenho aprendido e vivido através do Renascimento.
Faça sua inscrição @studio_ganesha: +55 48 9972-0868.
#renascimento #respiraçãoconsciente #purificação #terapias #cuidedevocê #amor #essencia #zen #saúde #studioganesha
Hoje foi o dia de eu receber desse profissional de altissima qualidade, Charles Sobrosa, um presente (e que presente!) num local incrível que é o @studio_ganesha (onde também atendo).
Dentre o que ele oferta está a massagem Abhyanga. Uma massagem terapêutica e medicinal, da Ayurveda. Charles, além de professor de Yoga é também terapeuta ayurvédico. SUPER RECOMENDO!!!!
Hoje foi o dia de eu me permitir esse cuidado. E foi tão assertivo por vir de um profissional desse gabarito. Uma experiência única para mim. Um momento de me cuidar e ser cuidada. AMEI.
GRATIDÃO Charles!!! Foi maravilhoso!
@studio_ganesha @charles_sobrosa .
#abhyanga #ayurvedalifestyle #terapias #studioganesha #cuidadoscomocorpo #cuidadoscomaalma #cuidandocomamor
CACHORRO OLHANDO PARA BAIXO (ADHO MUKHA SHVANASANA) •Acalma o cérebro e ajuda a aliviar o stress e depressão leve
Energiza o corpo
Alonga os ombros, isquiotibiais, panturrilhas, arcos, e as mãos
Fortalece os braços e as pernas
Ajuda a aliviar os sintomas da menopausa
Alivia o desconforto menstrual, quando feito com a cabeça apoiada
Ajuda a prevenir a osteoporose
Melhora a digestão
Alivia a dor de cabeça, insônia, dor nas costas e fadiga
Terapêutica para a hipertensão arterial, asma, pés chatos, ciática, sinusite
#hathayoga #Yogafloripa #studioganesha #gratidão #namastê.
Enlightenment is my goal today.
The journey of enlightenment is a journey of the mind: from a focus on the body to a focus on the spirit, from a limited sense of self to an unlimited sense of self, from a sense of separateness to a sense of unity with all things, from blame to blessing, and from fear to love.
This journey of my mind and heart – not always easy but always miraculous – changes every aspect of my life. It transforms my nervous system, my energy, and my internal state of being. It leads to changes in my behavior and to shift in how others respond to me.
As enlightenment becomes my goal, my life is free to transform. I release my attachment to lower things, allowing my mind to be guided into higher realms. Fear dissolves, and my love flows forth. I am redeemed and I am changed. #MiracleMagnet #ACourseInMiracles #SuperATractor #Blessed #Grateful #SpiritualGangster #SpiritJunkie #Manifesting #YogaLife #MyJourney #SpiritualSeeker #HigherVibe #studioganesha
The weariest night, the longest day, sooner or later must perforce come to an end. – Baroness Orczy
The difficult spells in our lives come to an end. And No matter the depths of our disturbance, we will survive. We forget that the depths teach us how to better appreciate the Heights. Sorrow heightens joy. Depression heightens laughter. We wouldn’t know the joys and laughter where it not for the sorrows. In them we learn to be patient, waiting for the wisdom which will light our way. In them we learn to listen for guidance that beckons us forth. We must reflect on the traveling experiences we’ve passed through of late. They made us wiser, they gave us strength. They changed us, moving moving us ever closer to the whole and happy person we desire to be. Difficulties often proceed enlightenment. They pull us inward, perhaps pushes us to search our connectedness to the divine, .A connectedness that is at home in our hearts. The paradox is that these painful periods Strengthen our oneness with the spirit. #MiracleMagnet #AbundantLife #YogaLife #StudioGanesha #GlensFallsLife #AdirondackLiving #MyJourney #JustAGirl #ACIM #Blessed #Manifesting #Love #grateful
A Course in Miracles says that the slightest willingness is all you need to receive the guidance to change. When we become open to letting go of our fear, we open our heart, mind, and energy to be guided to a new perspective.
About 3 months ago I said to my family that I think 2019 will be my last year in Retail Management. They supported my thought and encouraged me to start looking at what I would do next. Knowing over these past 11 years I have been growing more open minded, spiritually, physically and emotionally in ways I could have never dreamed, I knew with what I have found in Yoga I wanted to share with others. Without my permission the universe started putting things together and less than 6 weeks after that conversation, my store was announcing its closing. Again without my pursuing anything in particular but being present staying in prayer and meditation an open to what the universe had in store for me, This wonderful opportunity was presented. With the love and support of friends and family and the protection from the Divine, Studio Ganesha is born. I am so blessed and excited to see what is in store as we take this first step into the journey of sharing the Healing art of Yoga. #TheUniverseHasMyBack #ACourseInMiracles #studioganesha #yogalife #SpiritualGangster #Blessed #Divine #Manifesting #MiracleMagnet
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