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@maraudersdispatch January Box. Almost 3 months late but I particularly liked everything that came in this box. The postcard was a nice touch.
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I got this subscription mail a few days back from Beneath the Juniper Tree. I love everything!
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November’s theme is Retrograde. Personally, I liked the contents of the previous box I ordered (even though it was DC). The plastic ballon and the canvas bag are my favorites from this box. Though I wish that the outdated kid’s magazine have been replaced by something else — I can’t see how it ties into the theme except for it being a throwback piece, I guess.
#MaraudersDispatch #maraudersdispatchunboxing #Retrograde #subscriptionph #subbox #subscriptionboxph #booksubbox #bookmerchph #book #books #bookstagram #instabook #fromwhereiread #bookporn #bookworm #booklover #bookcollection #bookish #booknerd #bookphotography #instabook #flatlay #booksph @maraudersdispatch #MaxTilt #PeterLerangis @peterlerangis
First time trying out a subscription box! Personally, I dislike Wonder Woman, but I think I’ll keep subscribing. It’s fun opening the box and being surprised by what’s inside. Thanks, @maraudersdispatch!
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My #JuneBDJBox2015 is here!
Yey! #BIODERMA Overload!
All sample size with @thebodyshopph Lip and Cheek Stain.. Definitely, worth to try but can I request for a full size please. Kahit yung isa lang na product.. Hehe!
Unboxing of my #BDJBox will be live tomorrow.. Sorry if I sound husky and Antok.. 1AM na kasi from #MadeToShine event pa ko.
#SamplesPh #JuneBDJUnboxing2015 #BDJBoxUnboxing #Unboxing #SubscriptionPh #TheFaceShop #BiodermaPh #SkinCare #BDJBox #BDJBoxJune #LipAndCheekStain #DiscountPh #SkincarePh #PhangFinds
Php 950 only
Original Php 1044.67
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