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#Repost @kevinhart4real with @repostsaveapp · · · It was a motion picture #My40TH
Such an honor to make the 40th birthday cake for the brilliant #kevinhart !!!
@bonniewalkerevents #bonniewalkerevents did the most incredible job turning the already stunning #taonightclub into the world’s most gorgeous #birthdayvenue ever!
@suzannedelawar photography
Many many thanks to the wonderful @prxncesapxstel and @deborahjaffe for all your help. Couldn’t have done it without you.
When Beauty + Strength inspire me. Powerful women should always give back! At our last event at #rhondaskiss, a beautiful charity to help out families whose breadwinner is stricken with Cancer. .With beautiful family friend, Melissa Moore Steeber. Her family contributed to this amazing event. I’m proud to say that I was very lucky to win an auctioned art piece by a celebrity... who prefers to be anonymous ;). Thank you! You know who you are! ✨
#beauty #strength #powerfulwoman #cancersucks #fuckcancer #giveback #charity #taonightclub #friendship #asianbeauty #tao #ladyboss #classy #classywomen
BluFig 2019
Los Angeles
By Fadi Soudi Interior Design.
Hookah Lounge at Los Angeles 2019
In progress.
Design by Fadi Soudi interior design.
#hookahlounge #blufig
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