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• les matins •
A Dream Team Productions
a film by yours truly
Starring @thecameronboyce
This was made in my hotel room while we were filming Descendants 3. @thecameronboyce had to hold positions for many.. many hours.
The voice overs were done by @thecameronboyce and myself in Cameron’s trailer on the set of @paradisecity
#lesmatins #stopmotion #stopmotionanimation #frenchmusic #terrygilliam @michelgondry #create #art #movies #descendants3 #descendants @disneydescendants @disneychannel #imagine #imagination
#OliviaHarrison, #GeorgeHarrison, #EricIdle and #TerryGilliam at a screening of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 1975. Photo: Jim Selby/Mirrorpix/Newscom.
“Like all the other important loves of my life (my wife, my daughter, my son, and my dog), it was love at first sight. Terry Gilliam (another inexplicable love at first sight) was with me the night in May 1975 when we attended the first screening of Monty Python and the Holy Grail at the old Directors Guild building on Sunset. I think I knew George was supposed to be coming, and was slightly anxious and even unsure about meeting him, as I had heard what a raving fan he was, but I was blown away when he appeared at the end in the darkened cinema, and hugged me and launched straight into the first of many intense conversations, which began as monologues and then, as I grew confident and emboldened to interrupt and share my thoughts, became long and deep conversations about everything in our universe: life, death, love, the nature of religion; hours of sharing and ‘catching up‘ as he called it. […] We had retired to the projection room to smoke a jay and were finally kicked out of there and went off to A&M Studios, where Tom Scott was working on George’s album Extra Texture. He introduced me to Joni Mitchell in the studio next door. We then went to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, where I was staying, and talked and talked and talked, oh my God how he could talk. This was the quiet one! He never shut up. Thank God.” - Eric Idle, The Greedy Bastard Diary //
“I always loved that - the ‘quiet Beatle’ bit, because George could talk for England really.” - Michael Palin on George Harrison, Concert for George behind-the-scenes interview, November 2002 // #thateventuality
Quite possibly one of my favourite outtakes...ever! Shot hidden away in the basement of a St James’s hotel...during the secret preparations for the Monty Python reunion shows. Five men in their 70s acting like naughty 4 year olds at a wedding. #MontyPython #London #o2 #JohnCleese #EricIdle #TerryJones #MichaelPalin #TerryGilliam #LifeOfBrian #TheHolyGrail #TheMeaningOfLife #celebrityphotographer #AndyGotts #OneShotGotts
Heath Ledger as TONY in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
Directed by_
Terry Gilliam
#heathledger #johnnydepp #imaginariumofdoctorparnassus #tony #heathledgerfans #johnnydeppfans #heathledgertribute #heathledgerforever #heathledgerlovers #ripheathledger #judelaw #collinfarrell #lilycole #terrygilliam #heathandrewledger #actors #bestactors #magicshow #london #heathledgerlegend #bestvillain #oscars
#TBT Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas, 2017 – Private Commission
#Illustration #Poster #MoviePoster #cultclassicprints #FearAndLoathinginLasVegas #JohnnyDepp #HunterSThompson #BenicioDelToro #TerryGilliam #RaoulDuke #DrGonzo #LasVegas # #ArtistOnInstagram #ThrowbackThursday #CésarMoreno #CesarMoreno
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