thebodyshopsale thebodyshoporiginalmurah thebodyshopmurah thebodyshopmurahbgt thebodyshop thebodyshopindo thebodyshopid jualthebodyshopindo jualthebodyshopmurah jualthebodyshop jualthebodyshoporiginal thebodyshopindonesia thebodyshopmurmer thebodyshopori thebodyshoporiginal seserahan seserahanbodyshop seserahanpernikahan gift giftset seserahanlamaran blushonmurahmeriah bodybutterbodyshop britishrosethebodyshop jastipsalethebodyshop jastipthebodyshop jastipthebodyshopsale jastipthebodyshopwarehouse parfumthebodyshop parfumthebodyshopmurah thebodyshopjakarta
The Body Shop Original
Banana Shampo Truly Nourishing
Rincian Produk : - Rambut anti kering
- Mudah diatur
- Bagus bgt untuk melembabkan
- Diperkaya dg organic banana dari Ekuador
Shampo Ready Stock :
60ml 45rb
250ml 109rb
400ml 150rb
Conditioner 250ml 119rb
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget!
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WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#fujigreentea #strawberry #ginseng #banana #shampoo #shampoomurah #healtyhair #thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah
The Body Shop Original
Japanese Cherry Blossom Gift Set Cube
Exp date 08/2020
Wanginya seger khas bunga sakura bgt. Salah satu yg BEST SELLER ya, girlie seger to ga bikin pusing sama sekali
Rincian Produk :
Body Lotion seharga 89rb
Shower Gel seharga 79rb
Shower Puff seharga 29rb
HARGA HEMAT di shaupers hanya 125rb dari Rp197.000
Cocok banget untuk kado yang tersayang atau buat seserahan hehe
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget!
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WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#japanesecherryblossom #thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah #seserahanbodyshop #seserahan #seserahanpernikahan #seserahanlamaran #gift #gifts #giftset #giftsets #giftsetmurah #giftbox #bodyshopgiftset #mahar #hantaran #kadopacar
The Body Shop Original ❤
British Rose Gift Set Duo
Exp date 04/2020
Rincian Produk :
Shower Gel 60ml seharga 69rb
Body Butter 50ml seharga 99rb
FREE BOX cantik seharga 29rb
Harga HEMAT di @shaupers hanya 109rb dari total harga 197rb
Cocok banget untuk kado yang tersayang atau buat seserahan hehe
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget!
Langsung aja chat personal by
WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#britishrose #thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah #seserahanbodyshop #seserahan #seserahanpernikahan #seserahanlamaran #gift #gifts #giftset #giftsets #giftsetmurah #giftbox #bodyshopgiftset #mahar #giftbag #kadopacar
The Body Shop Original
Goa Magnolia Matte Lip Liquid
Exp date 12/2020
Harga HEMAT di shaupers hanya 105rb
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget!
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WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#goamagnolia #mattelipliquid #mattelips #thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah #seserahanbodyshop #seserahan #seserahanpernikahan #seserahanlamaran #gift #gifts #giftset #giftsets #giftsetmurah #giftbox #bodyshopgiftset #mahar
The Body Shop Original
Strawberry Shampo Clearly Glossing
Rincian Produk : - Untuk rambut rusak dan kusam
- Melembutkan rambut
- Wangi yg fresh
- Diperkaya dg strawberry juice dr Italia & aloevera
Shampo Ready Stock :
60ml 45rb
250ml 109rb
400ml 150rb
Conditioner 250ml 119rb
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget!
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WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#fujigreentea #strawberry #ginseng #banana #shampoo #shampoomurah #healtyhair #thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah
The Body Shop Original
Moringa Gift Set Bawn
Wangi lembut khas bunga gitu, cook buat yg suka wangi kalem
Rincian Produk :
Shower Gel 250ml seharga 99rb
Body Butter 50ml seharga 99rb
Body Scrub 50ml seharga 99rb
Soap Bar 100gr seharga 89rb
Shower Puff Mini seharga 29rb
FREE BAWN seharga 79rb
HARGA HEMAT di shaupers hanya 329rb dari total produk 497rb
Notes :
Foto terakhir contoh kalo dipitain ya, dan warna pitanya random
Cocok banget untuk kado yang tersayang atau buat seserahan hehe
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget! Langsung aja chat personal by
WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah #seserahanbodyshop #seserahan #seserahanpernikahan #seserahanlamaran #gift #gifts #giftset #giftsets #giftsetmurah #giftbox #bodyshopgiftset #mahar #hantaran #kadopacar #moringa
The Body Shop Original
British Rose Gift Set Pouch
Exp date 10/2020!
Recomended wanginya, dear
Rincian Produk :
Shower Gel 60ml seharga 59rb
Hand Cream seharga 79rb
Body Butter 50ml seharga 99rb
FREE POUCH seharga 49ribu
HARGA HEMAT di shaupers hanya 175rb dari total harga 286rb
Cocok banget untuk kado yang tersayang atau buat seserahan hehe
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget! Langsung aja chat personal by ⬇
WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah #seserahanbodyshop #seserahan #seserahanpernikahan #seserahanlamaran #gift #gifts #giftset #giftsets #giftsetmurah #giftbox #bodyshopgiftset #mahar #giftbag #kadopacar #britishrose
The Body Shop Original
Sedotan Stainless Straw
Rincian Produk :
✔️ Bahan Stainless Steel
✔️ Dapat sesuai gambar
✔️ Dua pcs sedotan (1 bengkok, 1 lurus)
✔️ Sikat pembersih
✔️ Pouch serut
Sudah waktunya cintai lingkungan dari hal kecil, STOP PENGGUNAAN SEDOTAN PLASTIK
Harga HEMAT di @shaupers hanya 90rb
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget! Langsung aja chat personal by ⬇
WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#tolaksedotanplastik #stainlesssteel #sedotan #SedotanStainless #sedotanstainlessmurah #thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah #seserahanbodyshop #seserahan #seserahanpernikahan #seserahanlamaran #gift #gifts #giftset #giftsets
The Body Shop Original
Himalayan Charcoal Mask
Masker yg paling HITSSSSSSSS dan sering kosong di counter TBS. Masker yg sangat sangaaaaaat bagus untuk jenis kulit kombinasi dan berjerawat. Ada kandungan tea tree nya juga loooh. Shaupers suka sensasi pas pake masker ini, dingin dingin gimana gitu
Cara Pemakaian nya gampang banget cuma tinggal diolesin kewajah terus biarkan selama 10-15menit, terus langsng bilas. Rasanya wajah lebih bersih, segar, dan lebih cerah
Lengkap dg box ya, deaaaar hhi
Paling BEST SELLER banget!! Buruan order sebelum kehabisan stocknya
HARGA HEMAT di shaupers hanya 319rb dari harga COUNTER SEKARANG 349rb
Exp date masih lama yaaaa 2021
Hemat bgt kan? Cus ordeeeeer sist
Mau pesan? Mau tanya dulu? Mau cepat respon? Bisa banget!
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WA : 083877004376
Line : shaumiiii (i-nya 4)
#thebodyshop #thebodyshopmurah #thebodyshopori #thebodyshoporiginal #thebodyshopindo #thebodyshopsale #thebodyshopindonesia #thebodyshopmurmer #thebodyshopmurahbgt #thebodyshoporiginalmurah #thebodyshopid #jualthebodyshop #jualthebodyshoporiginal #jualthebodyshopindo #jualthebodyshopmurah #jualbodyshop #jualbodyshopmurah #jualbodyshoporiginal #teatree #teatreeskinclearingfacialwash #himalayancharcoal #himalayancharcoalmask #himalayancharcoalputifyingglowmask #maskerbodyshop #maskerthebodyshop #jualmasker #jualmaskermurah #maskercharcoal
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