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Ruthless by @themarias #songs #songrecommendation #musicrecommendation #playlist #personalplaylist #music #thejammernaut #jam #jamrecommendation #recommendation #spotify #songsuggestion #favoritemusic #musicjunkie #dailymusic #freshmusic #songoftheday #discovermusic #discover #findmusic #newmusic
#ararerec #themarias #superclean #ruthless
Finals are nearly over
Pain - @texasgentlemen New Finds Highlight
#pain #thetexasgentlemen #tambourine #piano #guitar #rock #rockandroll #newwave #bop #goodmusic #original #music #musicrecommendation #recommendation #thejammernaut #jams #spotify #playlistrec #newmusic #findmusic #musiclover #catchy #quirky #reallife #problems #relatable
Blue Skies by @tulavera ... came upon this hidden gem of a band... check them they deserve so much more recognition #songs #songrecommendation #musicrecommendation #playlist #personalplaylist #music #thejammernaut #jam #jamrecommendation #recommendation #spotify #songsuggestion #favoritemusic #musicjunkie #dailymusic #freshmusic #songoftheday #discovermusic #discover #findmusic #newmusic
Hell To Pay - @bozscaggsmusic & @bonnieraittofficial Favorites Highlight
#helltopay #bozscaggs #bonnieraitt #rock #rockandroll #folk #country #bops #goodmusic #soul #guitar #oldies #devil #hell #fire #flames #underworld #music #musicrecommendation #recommendation #thejammernaut #jams #spotify #playlistrec #newmusic #findmusic #musiclover
Once In A Lifetime -Talking Heads
@davidbyrneofficial Favorites Highlight
My new #obsession
#onceinalifetime #talkingheads #sameasiteverwas #davidbyrne #newwave #artpop #funk #70s #80s #throwback #bestsongever #favorite #music #musicrecommendation #recommendation #thejammernaut #jams #spotify #playlistrec #newmusic #findmusic #musiclover
Very Much Money (Ice King Dream) @open_mike_eagle Gettin High Playlist & Highlight
#verymuchmoney #icekingdream #openmikeeagle #notadventuretime #adventuretime #iceking #smooth #smoothbeats #goodvibes #dreamy #superheroes #friends #valuable #disposeable #authentic #ingenuine #rudeaf #coolmusic #musicrecommendation #recommendation #thejammernaut #jams #songs #sound #beats #instruments #rap #spotify #playlists
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