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Big Bird problems. I had a Spider-Man mask like this one when I was a kid (cheap plastic with a rubber band stapled to it - along with the vinyl costume that ripped almost instantly and made "swishing" sounds when I walked ). Other than a ninja, it was my favorite costume! What was yours? Side note: that new Spider-Man trailer looks awesome - I love everything about the MCU!
#BigBird #SpiderMan #SesameStreet #TheStruggleIsReal
”In the potty!”
Sweet Colt is so convincing. Just don’t look down.❤️
For those of you who have asked or wondered how potty training is going, my answer depends on the day. We will have two perfect days when I think he’s finally got it and then a day like yesterday where we run out of clothes.♀️
He has been half potty trained (is there such thing?) for about a year now but I have gone back and forth on diapers because he can’t get the pee thing down... better than the other way around I suppose (trying to word this tactfully). Now that it’s hot weather we decided that it was time again to attempt to be done with diapers for good as you saw by his undies victory dance last week.
Anyway, it has been a wet process but he’s doing better and proud of himself. Having potty trained 5 so far you might think that I have found a special secret or tip. Alas, my potty training book will have to wait, because the only thing I have learned is that they will get there when they’re ready! You can be expecting another victory dance when that day arrives here!! .
#hisface #whydontibelievehim #thestruggleisreal #pottytraining #lovehim #momlife #toddlerlife
I think by now all of us can relate ♀️ #thestruggleisreal #hairtutorials #naturalhairstyles @mrshairtoday
@abanaturelle this was an amazing style! I can’t tell you how many tabs I got today. Going to create it with hair because ya girl hair is not that thick. Lol. I thought it would be funny to really show how the struggle is sometimes. ♀️ #protectivehairstyles #naturalhairdreams #naturalhairdaily
My friend got caught cheating on his wife and asked for some prayer. Lawd have mercy!
#SwipeLeft #RelationshipWednesday #rewind #Message #Inspirational #tagafriendtolaugh #JesusTakeTheWheel #WaybackWendsday #cheating #thestruggleisreal #ImmaKeepIt100 #flatout #williemoorejr #wmjshow #worldwide #youtube #Hilarious #funny #Relationships #love #HappilyAfterAll #cheater #husband #wife #dating #TheStruggle #marriage #situationships #HealthyRelationships #Share
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