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#Repost @martinez_valenzuela with @guateperfecta #guateperfecta ・・・
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The sun rising over the ruins of a spectacular ancient Mayan city of Tikal. We've all heard of Machu Picchu, but the scale and preservation of Tikal, located in the lowland tropical forest of eastern Guatemala, dwarfs the famed Incan ruins in Peru. Photo taken from the top of a Temple IV. Tikal, Guatemala #explore #master_shots #special_shots #travel #traveling #natgeo #natgeotravel #natgeocreative #jj_forum #bbctravel #guardiantravelsnaps #guatemala #tikal #ancient #mayan #pyramids #jungle #sunrise #traveler #lifestyle #travel #ig_photooftheday #picoftheday #photooftheday #ig_travel #backpacking #adventure #adventuretime #travelbug #solotravel
Entre las ruinas magníficas de #Tikal, Gilberto Chayax, el que habla con el fuego, nos ofrece sus bendiciones. Es uno de lo últimos sacerdotes maya itzá, vestigio de la gloria ancestral del mundo perdido. #Guatemala
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Temple 2 peeks out from a collection trees, as spotted from the North Acropolis at Tikal in Peten, Guatemala. Tikal was previously one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya, dominating much of the region politically, economically, and militarily from 200 to 900 AD.
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Hay una forma de belleza en la imperfección. ♀️ #guatemala #travel #photography #guate #antiguaguatemala #antigua #quepeladoguate #nature #perhapsyouneedalittleguatemala #visitguatemala #photooftheday #instagood #love #travelphotography #explorandoguatemala #volcano #centralamerica #lakeatitlan #picoftheday #wanderlust #guatelinda #instaguate #travelgram #landscape #tikal #instatravel #guatemalacity #instagram #art #adventure
Temple V, Tikal, Petén.
El Petén es el futuro.
Photo by @tuckerontour.
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