tuesdaynightvibes hollywoodcitywalk lareggaeclubs lareggaescene thingstodoinla thingstodoinlosangeles tuesdayvibes tonightinhollywood fullmoon caribbeaninla caribbeaninlosangeles caribbeannightshollywood caribbeannightslosangeles hollywood hollywoodbirthday instadancehall laclubscene laclubvibes lastnightwasamovie lastnightwaslit latimes losangeles losangelesclubs losangelesdancehallclubs losangeleslife losangelesmodel losangelesnightlife losangelesparty losangelestonewyork caribbeannightshollywood
It’s the tail end of #tacotuesday and I definitely veered off course with coney fries today (but when in Michigan...) Anyone else have a complete #obsession with #chipsandsalsa ? I cannot stop when it’s in front of me. Especially if the salsa or pico is super spicy! .
#spicyfood #tuesdaynightvibes #mexicanfood #foodie #snackattack #hungrygirl #alwayshungry #letterboardquotes #letterboard #funnyquotes #salsamania #chipaddict #vacation #michigansummer #summersnack #snackingtime #hungrymom #momsnacks #healthymom #familyvacation #grumblytummy #latenightmunchies #munchies #truthbomb #bottomlesschips
Although we love to cook, this is not always possible during the work week. Between proper meal prep and knowing the right local markets, our weeknights are saved
Tonight we enjoyed miso wild salmon (for him) & garlic shrimp (for her). Coupled with a side of baked asparagus with chilli & roasted sweet potatoes
With balanced portions, fresh ingredients and everything in moderation, you can still get through your hectic day and eat well
Now it’s on to night school & endless marking
What hacks do you have to eat well during your week?
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