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But we do it for the money right? We deserve better pay, more staff, scheduled lunch breaks, health benefits and so much more. I’d do anything to save an animals life. When will they (jobs) do anything for mine?
#veterinarytechnician #veterinarymedicine #veterinary #vetmed #vettech #lvt #cvt #rvt #vettechlife #vetnurse #veterinarynurse #animalnurse #veterinarylife #veterinaryclinic #veterinarycare #veterinarynursing #veterinarytechnology #veterinarystaff #selfcare #vettechprobs #vettechsupport #vettechsupportgroup #supportgroup #vettechstudent #vettechschool #vettechprobs #vettechdegree #mentalhealthinvetmed
We tell owners ALL the time not to give aspirin or ibuprofen to their pets for pain. Do they listen? No. This is what happens when they don’t. It’s so frustrating when owners just do what they want and think we say things for the fun of it. Well, go ahead and share this. Let’s see if this gets their attention better ‼️
#veterinarytechnician #veterinarymedicine #veterinary #vetmed #vettech #lvt #cvt #rvt #vettechlife #vetnurse #veterinarynurse #animalnurse #veterinarylife #veterinaryclinic #veterinarycare #veterinarynursing #veterinarytechnology #veterinarystaff #selfcare #vettechprobs #vettechsupport #vettechsupportgroup #supportgroup #vettechstudent #vettechschool #vettechprobs #vettechdegree #mentalhealthinvetmed
If only the tables we turned. This is one of the most frustrating things about this field. How can you so easily get rid of a member of your family? We moved from Las Vegas to Alaska and Alaska to California and our oldest, now 8, has been with us the entire way. When we were moving here a year ago someone was like “I’m so happy you’re bringing your dogs with you” - like there’s any other option? Something I’ll never understand
We don’t play with puppies all the day... but when we do.. we play with Linus!! He came in for his routine vaccines but what a great excuse to see one his favorite VAs Adam. You can definitely see how much fun they are both having Happy puppy + happy pet parents = happy FL team
#vetschool #veterinarian #vettechschool #vettechlife #vetassistant #vethospital #petcare #linus #dogsoffairfax #doglovers #lvt #virginia #fairlakesva #petsmart #fairfax #doglover #banfieldlife #northeastregionrocks #banfieldpethospital #pethospital
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There is no shame in being open about your anxiety or depression, or any mental illness for that matter. Being open allows you to acknowledge it and to treat it. So don’t ever be ashamed - you’re not miserable you’re intense •
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