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Photo ☞ @viewofedinburgh
Selected ☞ @mehtaptash
Pɑge's ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀
☞ @hdr_turk ☞ #hdr_turk
☞ @splash_turk ☞ #splash_turk
☞ @bnw_turk ☞ #bnw_turk ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Photo ☞ @alexandradts
Selected ☞ @mehtaptash
Pɑge's ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀
☞ @hdr_turk ☞ #hdr_turk
☞ @splash_turk ☞ #splash_turk
☞ @bnw_turk ☞ #bnw_turk ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Photo ☞ @abrunetty
Selected ☞ @mehtaptash
Pɑge's ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀
☞ @hdr_turk ☞ #hdr_turk
☞ @splash_turk ☞ #splash_turk
☞ @bnw_turk ☞ #bnw_turk ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Hallstatt ⛰ Salzkammergut ⛰
17 giugno 2019
✷ﭢ✷ ♥♡♥
↬ La felicità è come un gatto che corre dietro alla sua coda. Più la rincorre e più gli sfugge.
Ma quando s'impegna in altre cose,
la coda gli viene dietro ovunque lui vada ↫
✷ﭢ✷ ♥♡♥
Foto cartolina,l'immagine-icona di Hallstat,piccolo villaggio(757abitanti)del Salzkammergut,che molti definiscono "il più bel borgo su lago al mondo". Patrimonio dell'unesco
Domani sarà tardi per rimpiangere la realtà,è meglio viverla
• Hallstatt ⛰ Salzkammergut ⛰
17 giugno 2019
✷ﭢ✷ ♥♡♥
↬Happiness is like a cat running after its tail.The more he chases it,the more he escapes.
But when he engages in other things,the tail comes after him wherever he goes↫
✷ﭢ✷ ♥♡♥
Photo postcard,the icon-image of Hallstat,a small village(757 inhabitants) of the Salzkammergut,which many call "the most beautiful village on the lake in the world".
UNESCO heritage
Tomorrow it will be late to regret reality, it's better to live it
#editmoments_hdr #shots_hdr #lory_hdr #loves_besthdr #team_of_all #thehub_hdr #fever_travel #superb_travelpics #pocket_hdr #fever_hdr #hdr_super_pics #match_hdr #happy_team_hdr #be_one_hdr #queen_hdr #super_hdr_channel#viva_hdr #visit_hdr_international #hdr_stronger #great_captures_hdr #super_hdr #love_hdr_colour #mobile_hdr #club_hdr #amazing_hdr_ #hdr_professional #phoenix_hdr #sight_colour #enjoying_hdr #phoenix_mission
Photo ☞ @_biraz_huzur___
Selected ☞ @mehtaptash
Pɑge's ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀
☞ @hdr_turk ☞ #hdr_turk
☞ @splash_turk ☞ #splash_turk
☞ @bnw_turk ☞ #bnw_turk ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Photo ☞ @garrovillana
Selected ☞ @mehtaptash
Pɑge's ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀
☞ @hdr_turk ☞ #hdr_turk
☞ @splash_turk ☞ #splash_turk
☞ @bnw_turk ☞ #bnw_turk ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
At the asian side of Istanbul. #wu_turkey #instagram_turkey #infinity_hdr #streetart_addiction #streets_and_transports #doorsandwindows #viva_hdr #vizoturkhdr #istanbul_hdr #turkportal #turkshutter #scattohdr #tudo_hdr #turkobjektif_hdr #balkan_hdr #total_hdr #trio_hdr #lucky_hdr #anadolugram #ig_anatolia #zamanidurdur #club_hdr #travel_drops #travellingthroughtheworld #photographclub #photoshooting #anadolualbum #kings_shots #almostperfect_hdr
bleu de chine
Œuvre du sculpteur Bruno Catalano
✨ @brunocesarcatalano ✨
Cette œuvre rend hommage à tous les travailleurs du port de Marseille ainsi qu’à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui ont recommencé leur vie sur ces quais .
To be featured follow :
✨@the_opengallery ✨
And tag :
A Gallery Open to the people a Gallery Open to the world
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#wu_greece #tv_greece #fever_hdr #lucky_hdr #perfect_greece #kings_greece #greecelover_gr #exquisite_greece #exprecion_greece #reasontovisitgreece #feelgreece #athensvoice #topgreecephotos #travellingthroughtheworld #travel_Greece #awesome_phototrip #map_of_europe #living_destinations #tourtheplanet #europestyle_ #discover_europe_ #greece_united #ig_greece #scattohdr #urbanphotography #lucky_hdr #fever_hdr #viva_hdr #photooftheday #roundphot0
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