wallfilth jj_cheers_walls jj_delightfully_deteriorating mytexturefix tv_hiddenbeauty ihaveathingforwalls patina_perfection filthyfacades jj_texture doorshiding unsung_tiny_heroes walls_talking art_accidentally jj_colorlove nothingisordinary urbanart a_2nd_look accidentalart graffiti rottenfeed streetart streetart_daily through_the_details tv_doorsandwindows tv_streetart tv_typography wallswallswalls addicted_to_facades architectural_ornamentation brickshiding allyoucantexture
Cuál es el color que te hace sonreír Entre tantos colores es muy difícil elegir solo uno, creo que depende en gran parte del estado de ánimo. Algunos colores transmiten alegria, otros calma, otros tristeza y así.
Yo me quedo con el azul . Desde niña ha sido mi color favorito y creo que lo seguirá siendo por siempre.
️ Tip de foto. Si ves una pared bonita no la dejes pasar. Te aseguro una buena foto. Busca agregar algún elemento que complemente tu composición. Mantén derecho el encuadre, lo logras alineando con alguna línea horizontal (suelo) o vertical (puerta o ventana). Ayúdate con las líneas guía de tu pantalla. Tomada con .
Comparte en tus historias para que mis consejos lleguen a más personas.
#tipsdefotografia #shotoniphone #jj_forum_2626 #enter_imagination #friendsinperson #wallfilth #rainbow_wall #rainbow_wall_splash #jj_cheers_walls #artnews #instaartistic #creativeoptic #creativosmx #mexicanoscreativos #ihaveathingforwalls #wallart #walls_talking #addicted_to_openwalls #primerolacomunidad #graffiti_magazine #graffiti_n_wallart #toronto_insta #raw_doorswindowsfacades #artofmobile #tv_colors #popyacolour_walls #worldcolours_people #peopleinwalls #peoplewalkingpastwalls #graffiti_n_wallart
Здание солодовни Калинкинского пивоваренного завода.1875-1876. Юргенс Эммануил Густавович.
Местность переживает ренессанс благодаря пивоварне AF Brew. Я хоть пиво и не котирую, но мне понравилась история с неймингом одного сорта пива - 22 - который был назван в честь номера маршрута автобуса, связывающего все их заведения от AF Brew Taproom через Camorra к Redrum Bar
Kalinkin Brewery. Architect: Jurgens Emmanuil. 1875-1876
#architecture #architecturephoto #architectureporn #architecturephotography #urbanexplorer #jj_architecture #ig_architecture #architecturelovers #icu_architecture #urban #urbanromantix #minimalism #jj_cheers_walls #facades #ihavethingswithfacades #ihavethingsforwalls #wallfilth #patina_perfection #architexture #tv_buildings #tv_pointofview #pattern #facadelovers #rsa_streetview #architecture_minimal #symmetrykillers #arkiromantix #петербургналадони
Optimal view
#wall #壁 #pared
Featured Moderator: @hampa2000
Excellent Capture!
Congratulations on being selected as
one of our @tv_typography Daily Features
Please take some time to check out their
gallery and show them some love!
✏Tag shots✏
We are interested in seeing all your wonderful creative captures which incorporate words, signs, letters and any text form at all as part of the image. Added text is also welcomed.
Feature Selected by: @sucanunes
Box and brick in love #mailbox #mailboxpoetry #decay #ihavethisthingwithmailbox #mytexturefix #hiyapapaphotoaday #vivodiparticolari #iz_mnml #letterbox #poetry #trough_the_details #details_creative_picture #bricks #bricklovers #brickshiding #redthursday #wallstalkingabout #walls #walls_talking #wallfilth #total_forging #nothingisordinary_ #ihavethingforcrumblingletterboxes #mailboxlove #
A pair of self-portraits by @jagung1991 for #walltowallfestival2019, organised by @juddyroller #jagung #walltowall #benallastreetart #juddyroller #urbanart #aerosol #aerosolart #tv_streetart #all_wallshots #dsb_graff #wallfilth #hdrnorge_streetart #streetart_official #not_just_walls #rsa_graffiti #ihaveathingforwalls #streetart_daily #total_urbanart #urbanlife_arts #streetartnews #be_one_urbanart #street_art_community #streetartaustralia_benalla
Sticking of times
#wall #壁 #pared
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