warriagainlagosedition warriagain warriagain2017 mpmlmedia warriagain17 warritotheworld onyeubanatu warriagain2018 aylive bovimanonfire burnaboy burnaboygram dbanj donjazzy eventcenter eventcentre eventcentreinlagos eventcentreinwarri hustlersquare hustlersquaregang lagosevents mrjollof naijabrandchick tiwasavage tokemakinwa warricoolcats warrievents warriupdate music comedy warriupdate
Yes Dance is a lifestyle. An expression.
Our little magnets showcased that and so much more at the just concluded @warri_again alongside the whole dance company and it was completely magical.
It Was witnessed.
Warri Again 17
#WarriAgain #WarriAgain17 #WarriAgain2017 #WarriAgainLagosEdition #WarriToTheWorld #MPMLMedia
@instablog9ja @lindaikejiblog @blackrockingit @haddey_blog @olorisupergal @itshelenpaul @distinctvendors @lailasblog
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