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Set your sights on the finish line, not on the distance between you and those ahead of you. -⠀
Your career isn’t a race, it’s a lengthy accumulation of your efforts and hard work, yet we often focus on closing the gap between ourselves and those that have greater achievements, more job offers, more experience, more knowledge, or even more followers. -⠀
Time spent envying the achievements of others is time wasted. Focus that energy on setting your own goals, your own personal races, where you’re battling yourself, and pushing yourself to achieve exactly what you’ve always wanted to. -⠀
Be so focused on that end goal, that finish line, that you don’t even notice the other runners falling behind. ⠀
by @juliacodes⠀
#codepeople #development #computer #coding #learntocode #developers #designyourworkspace #instacode #desksetup #devlife #codegoals #seattlewa #backend #deskspace #webprogramming #siliconvalleylife #angularjs #uidesign #firebase #sublimetext #vscode #scifi #londoners #gamedevelopment #gamedeveloper #appdeveloper #xcode #bootstrap #responsive #codelife
Set your sights on the finish line, not on the distance between you and those ahead of you. -
Your career isn’t a race, it’s a lengthy accumulation of your efforts and hard work, yet we often focus on closing the gap between ourselves and those that have greater achievements, more job offers, more experience, more knowledge, or even more followers. -
Time spent envying the achievements of others is time wasted. Focus that energy on setting your own goals, your own personal races, where you’re battling yourself, and pushing yourself to achieve exactly what you’ve always wanted to. -
Be so focused on that end goal, that finish line, that you don’t even notice the other runners falling behind.
Jgn lupa wacana bukbernya di agendakan ya!
#mahasiswa #ramadhan #teknikindustri #sisteminformasi #teknikinformatika #bukber #mahasiswateknik #skripsi #manajemeninformatika #programmingjokes #ospek #anakcoding #teknikmesin #teknikelektro #akuntansi #informatika #webprogramming #manajemen #beasiswa #tugasakhir #dagelan #tugaskuliah #mahasiswabaru #puasa #mahasiswatingkatakhir #kampusindonesia #pejuangskripsi #sidangskripsi #semesterakhir
Being “in transition” has been hard.
Moving had been hard. Moving in has been hard. Not having my home office space set up has been hard. Not knowing where my belongings are has been hard. Having to furnish and decorate an entire empty apartment has been hard. Getting adjusted to a new city has been hard. Getting settled at a new job while doing all the above has also been hard.
I’ve had a lot on my plate lately but I’ll be back soon. Can’t wait to show you all my new home set up, once it’s finished.
I’ll be stepping up my game with the cable management this time around
by @programm.r
#htmlcss #javaprogramming #computerprogramming #webprogramming #cprogramming #learnprogramming #programming #neurolinguisticprogramming #gameprogramming #programmings #programmingcontest #predictiveprogramming #programmingislife #programmingisfun #css #css3 #cncprogramming #programminglanguage #programminghumor #programminglife #programmingstudents #pythonprogramming
Would you rock this vertical Setup?
By @luey_muhammed_ablak
Sana böyle birşey lazım öyle değil mi .
#websitedeveloper #appdeveloper #developers#brainhacking #gamedeveloper#computersciencemajor #programming#programminglife #developer #computerscience#hacking #happyhacking #programminglanguage#programmingisfun #developerlife#softwaredeveloper #pythonprogramming#iosdeveloper #computerengineering#computerprogramming #computersciencestudent#webdevelopers #indiedeveloper #cprogramming#ethicalhacking #androiddeveloper#webprogramming #frontenddeveloper#webdeveloper #developerslife
Yesterday I picked up my newest piece of tech, the @linedock -
I originally was looking for an external hard drive that would give my macbook a little more breathing room with space, but I didn’t want something bulky or ugly, which is what many of the option out there are like. -
I also wanted a portable charger that would give my Macbook just a little more juice in a tricky situation -
And finally I wanted something that would replace all of the many dongles and cables that Macbook owners start to collect over the years. -
@linedock has come to solve all of these issues and has one of the best all in one designs that I’ve come across, the gorgeous thin sleek design and space gray color looks absolutely awesome next to my mac. -
#webprogramming #programming #web #programmer #html #css #code #vscode #coding #macbook #coder #setup #geek #girlswhocode #girlsdevelopit
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