wfto fairtrade whomademyclothes fairfashion handmade refugees fashionrevolution ethicalshopping fairtradeshopping wftoasia ethicallymade purchasewithpurpose sustainablefashion tradefairlivefair turqlebrands africa aluminium bawahope bawahopelove brass casting ceramicbeads changinglives communities creativity decentlives divineconnections fairtradeshop agentforchange
El día amerita comer algo caliente y esta crema de lentejas con verduras de seguro es la indicada
#Repost @connieachurra with @get_repost
✔️1 taza de lentejas
✔️2 tazas espinaca
✔️2 zanahorias
✔️1 trozo jengibre
✔️Aceite de oliva
1️⃣Cocinar las lentejas y zanahorias hasta que estén blandas (20-30 minutos aprox.)
2️⃣Agregar las espinacas y jengibre (3 minutos más aprox.)
3️⃣Moler o procesar con un poco de agua de cocción hasta lograr consistencia deseada.
⚠️La cantidad de agua va a depender de lo espesa que te guste.
4️⃣Adicionar sal a gusto
5️⃣Servir y agregar un chorrito de aceite de oliva, sésamo y merken.
#connieachurracocinanatural #cosechajusta #comerciojusto #comerciojustochile #fairtrade #wfto #singluten #singlutenchile #glutenfree #sano #sanoyrico #cremadelentejas #lentejaschilenas
We love dinosaurs . This gorgeous organic cotton dippi is coming to Pebble in 2019. The ever favourite organic Steggi is on the website now . Stay warm this weekend everyone ❄️ .
#pebble #pebblechild #pebbletoys #dinosaur #organic #fairtradetoys #handmade #crochettoys #purchasewithpurpose #livelifefair #wfto
In the next 48 hours the fall 2019 jewelry pieces will be shared with the public for the first time ever. We are excited about all the pieces and deeply in love with the Halcyon(fidelity) hoops (am wearing mine). All the best ambassadors as you reveal the products. We are cheering you on. Can we also talk about this rustic leather wallet/ Fannypack, I received it yesterday as a gift and I’m so obsessed. I believe it’s from an artisan group in India? #Bawahope
#Bawahope#refugeeartisans #fairtrade #fairfashion #wfto #purchasewithpurpose #sustainblefashion #changinglives #decentlives #kenyanartisans #refugees #passion #purposeunfolding #divineconnections #communities #innovation #creativity #value #recycled #Jewelry #casting #brass #aluminium #ceramicbeads #maasaibeads #kenya#africa
Swipe ➡️OMG! Guess who came to visit? I remember in January 2019 during the shine conference( in Texas) Travis promised to visit us.We are so excited to have him and his family right here at home.What a privilege? #Bawahope
#Bawahopelove#refugees#fairtrade #fairfashion #wfto #purchasewithpurpose #sustainblefashion #changinglives #decentlives #kenyanartisans #refugees #passion #purposeunfolding #divineconnections #communities #innovation #creativity #value #recycled #Jewelry #casting #brass #aluminium #ceramicbeads #maasaibeads #kenya#africa
Felicitaciones al equipo Pacari por el primer lugar reconocimiento premio a la Responsabilidad Social General Rumiñahui
Abrazos a todos!! Y a las demás ONGs e Instituciones participantes que ayudan a ser un mundo Mejor!! .
#pacari #chocolate #organico #ecologico #biodinamico #libredegluten #nongmo #treetobar #directlytraded #soyfree #slavefree #dairyfree #chocolate #demeter #wfto #wwf #vegano #endeavor #bthechange #bcorpspain #sustentable
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