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Like if you're going to face every judgement and trials to achieve your goals! #Believe
Inspired by @successowner
Welcome to the Family #BelieveNationHouseWarming :
@bibianasyiem @beyondnaturalnolan @tonyy_0172 @pedrolacava @shwethaashwin78
Comment Squad - Thank you for your recent comments:
@student_questions @joe_listenbee @heytonihey @antluking @emordama
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Let your HUSTLE whisper and your success ROAR!
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Hamstring Mobility
The single leg hip hinge is a great drill for improving hamstring mobility
Plant one foot and be on the balls of your feet on the other. With a locked knee and maintaining an anterior pelvic tilt drive your hip back till you reach a max stretch. Drive your foot into the floor to come out of it.
Start with 3 rounds of 5 reps holing the 5 rep for 5 seconds
#trusttheprocess #justdoit #putinthework #bodymind #workharder #worksmarter #prehab #hipmobility
Last year I took my Dad on a trip to Scotland. For a couple days we rented this slick Aston Martin and drove around the Highlands. No meetings, no stress, no boundaries. Just two dudes going wherever they want.
We blasted bagpipes music while racing over country roads, we visited small pubs in the middle of nowhere, I bought my Dad fresh lobster at this tiny gourmet restaurant, we drank 32-year-old Whisky, chilled in Jaccuzzis, saw that cool Harry Potter bridge, took tons of photos and sometimes we just stopped at a lake, grabbed a snack and talked.
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy you the freedom to do whatever you want. It can buy you the freedom to take your Dad on a trip… just to say thank you… for all these years, all the guidance, for always always being there. I think being my Dad probably isn’t always easy, but this guy totally nails it.
Here’s to more trips, here’s to freedom and here’s to a great Dad ❤️.
PS: If you want us to help you become your own boss and really live life to the fullest then tap the link in my bio and apply for a free consultation call with us.
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Enjoy life today. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come
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Hallo allerseits☺️
Wie man vielleicht in der story gesehen hat, war ich wieder in diesen Old-School Gym☺️. Es hat mir unglaublich viel Spass gemacht, weil ich da ja mal früher trainiert habe und es einfach ein tolles Gefühl war, mal wieder da zu sein. -
Mit der Diät läuft es momentan leider nicht sehr gut weil ich immer wie öfter Hunger bekomme. Ich versuche aber stetig mein Bestes zu geben das ich trotzdem ein paar Kilogramm verliere.
Schreibt eure Meinung bitte unten in die Kommentare
Schönen Abend euch noch, und viel Erfolg
Verbesserungstipps in die Kommentare
Song: Eminem - Fall
Schaltet die Beitragsbenachrichtigung ein um auf jeden Fall ein um nichts mehr zu verpassen
Folgt @icygym für mehr qualitative Videos und Bilder
#fitness #newyear #goals #lifestyle #transformation #progress #fitfam #fitnesslifestyle #gym #gymlife #lift #body #bodytrafo #believetoachieve #workharder #workout #weights #proteins #iron #abs #muscles #nopainnogain #shredded #done #lovelife #stayhungry
sharingg some vibes with this beautiful soul @shei_fab19
at Logroño cityy
Porque se trata de aprender de compartir y crear en medida de lo posible.
Me siento super afortunada de haber conocido gente tan bonita en tan poquito tiempo, gracias a todos.
Gracias vida, porque aunque ahora estoy en un momento increíble lleno de felicidad y plenitud se que lo mejor esta por llegar.
Letss fucking get ittttt
_____ @idoiaaliende
Fireboy @fuego
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