ялюблютаиланд таиланд thaithai_msk паназиатскаякухня паназия покровка ресторанвцентремосквы таиландвмо тайскийресторан тайланд тайскаякухня кудапойтивмоскве кудасходитьвмоскве таиландвмоскве полезнаяеда волгоград дом2 волжский бизнесланчмосква гдепообедатьвмоскве средствопоуходузакожей тайскийбизнесланч spicy косметикаизтаиланда кокосовоемасло кремдлятела кремпротивпрыщей морепродукты деловыеобеды спайси выгодныйотдыхвтаиланде
Пройди 392 ступени, покорми 10 птичек, 5 кошек и 2-х собак, чтобы очистить свою карму...
Слышали про такое Это очень популярное развлечение в Таиланде. А я вот искренне верю в карму.
Что же такое карма? Вселенский причинно-следственный закон, согласно которому хорошие или плохие действия человека определяют его судьбу.
Будда выделял разные виды кармы в том числе и карму, формируемую в настоящем, которая оказывает влияние на будущее. Кармические законы очень сложные, и каждое суждение о карме может быть верным в конкретных случаях...
Но я верю, что мои хорошие, добрые действия принесут мне удачу и везение. Поэтому посещаю при первой же возможности храмы, поднимаюсь по множеству ступенек к Будде, благодаря с каждым шагом за здоровье и благополучие своих близких, кормлю птичек, оставляю пожертвования.
В свою последнюю поездку в Паттайю тоже чистила карму и была вознаграждена красивым видом на любимый курортный городок.
А вы верите в карму? #alet_этоя
Я люблю вещи со своей историей...
Открываешь шкаф: в этом платье я гуляла на пляже Карон в 2012, а в этих шортах я ездила на остров Пи Пи Дон в 2013, босоножки купила в Бангкоке в 2014✌️.... Но вещи и обувь изнашиваются, а вот аксессуары - почти нет.
В своё первое путешествие на Пхукет в 2012 году я слепила из полимерной глины яркий браслет в виде ракушек. Вот он: у меня на руке. Поездка была великолепная, эмоции - не передать словами!
Знаете, сколько раз я смотрела на браслет и улыбалась
В этом году тоже надеюсь на новое путешествие, и хочу сшить себе отпускной гардероб сама, конечно же, с аксессуарами.
А Вы любите ассоциировать вещи с воспоминаниями? #alet_этоя
Everyone, who has ever been in Pattaya, saw loads of Chinese groups. I can tell you a secret, there are the same situation in Russia!
Most of the time those groups included: old ladies with the same hairstyle, old men with the same old school style and a tour guide with the flag, or little toy on the long stick(depends on tour guides imagination♀️)
Where did they all come from?
This information might be wrong❗, my mom told me that and someone else told her, so might be gossips
Chinese got tour packages FROM LABOR UNION, so they pay maybe only 40% of the price, others covered by government.
What I can admit, they organise it very well (I hate their buses though ). Tour package is FULLY ALL INCLUSIVE, including cafes, markets, they even go to McDonald's toilet as a group(I really saw it).They are kind of big travel labor union family
Chinese might be very annoying and not really with good manners, but I love them❤Not many people know how generous and friendly Chinese are, I do, but it's different story.
⁉️Would you like to travel as a group where everything is included?
The end.
That's the question I hate. Anyway, I'm going to talk about it⬇️
Transgenders are everywhere, but they are more opened in Asia. Thailand hasn't been so tolerant before, they accept it just recently. I think it's because of plastic surgeries.
Nowadays it's really difficult to recognize ladyboy. They can change completely, and have THERE what girls/boys should have.
So, why is the attitude is so different, depends on a country?
✔Asians are more tolerant, because they think about the 3rd gender through religion. Europeans think through anatomy.
✔Also most of Asian religions include the 3rd gender, which considers as "between man and woman".
Buddhists dont care very much about gender, mostly about a soul.
✔Moreover, in India they have separate group of people (3rd gender) and Indians believe that those are special. They invite transgenders on their wedding for blessing.
I'm very glad that Europe became more tolerant, I wish Russia can be that one day.
⁉️What do you think about transgenders? Please, be polite, I hate racists, homophobs and stuff like that.
The end.
That post is purely my opinion, which is right for me, but might be wrong for you♀️
Let’s discuss it.
It’s a big tendency nowadays to say
“I don’t owe anything to anyone” or
“Why should I do what is write for society?”
I'm one of those people, who think that way, but it's always other side of the story. Some things are necessary in our life.
❗You MUST give your kid a good life. He/she didn't ask you to give a birth, that was purely your decision.
❗You MUST take care of your parents, because they raised you and helped you to be who you are.
❗You MUST help old people, even If they are not very nice. We all will be old and grumpy, that's what age does to us.
❗You MUST accept social rules (if you dont live in isolated forest). Its okay if your opinion is not always what people want, someone will support you anyway. And if noone supports you and say you are crazy...then you probably are
It might be said million times, that the word MUST or OWE is not for you, and it's too harsh, but we all live in society, so accept the rules!
If you still think you don't owe anything to your kids or parents, then you are selfish. IMHO,guys ♀️
Are we going to debate? I'm looking forward to it
The end.
Многие спрашивают, когда мы поедем в Таиланд и поедем ли вообще в этом году?!
Поделюсь нашими планами. Мы планируем этой осенью поехать в Таиланд. Точно не знаем, насколько, но знаем, куда. Начнём, наверное, с Пхукета, если ничего не поменяется.
Ещё подумываем в этот раз и на Самуи заглянуть В прошлый раз поездка сорвалась из-за наводнения, надеюсь, в этом году повезёт больше
Напишите, куда бы вы нас отправили в Таиланде помимо Пхукета?! Где мы ещё не были, а стоило бы побывать.
P.S. - Узнаёте место?
#Таиланд #Тайланд #остров #море #вечноелето #дождь☔️ #Thailand #beachlife #thailand #тайланд2019 #туртайланд #путешествия #отдыхвтайланде #youtuber #ялюблютаиланд
ABOUT MY LIVE TODAY #armchairthai
I'm planning to make a live video, but I will speak Russian, because speak 2 languages at the same time is quite hard
If you are interested in that, let me know, I will make an English version♀️
So, what am I going to discuss today.⬇️
1. Why is it better to travel without a tour package
2. What can you bring IN Thailand and what is forbidden
3. Traveller's baggage (medicine and stuff like that)
4. How much will your trip to Thailand cost
5. Where should you go and how to organise your trip
6. What should you buy in Thailand (and take home)
7. HOW to pack fruits, what can you take with you (new immigration rules)
Something like that.
If you are curious and want to know about it, just ask me in comments, don't be shy
The end.
Well, I reached a deadlock this week.
Physically, mentally, emotionally.
I was a moody shit all week.
I couldn’t concentrate at work.
I couldn’t relax properly.
I haven’t done any sport for nearly a month.
Also, I sleep like a bear, wake up late and always late for work.
I’m not trying to complain, just sharing with you♀️.
Even all Instagram and blogs inspiration left me and I wrote some captions, without editing. I hope you didn’t notice that!
It seems that no one read my captions, my texts are rubbish, my photos are shit. Happens
Yesterday I have even paid for insta promotion. Got nearly 1000 likes though
Today I realized why all of that happened.
Im a “planner” person. I have 3 different planners
1) Work tasks (mark it ✔ when its done)
2) Another work stuff with prices and shops (more info)
3) Life planner. Instagram, aims, life tasks
So, I haven't used those 3 fro for nearly 2 weeks.
And my life turned out to be a hell.
If you are such a planner, as I am, then never stop doing that. Otherwise, you will get under this weird condition, as I do!
⁉️Are you a planner person? Or "whatever" one?
The end.
BEAUTY ON THE PLATE #russiansvsthais
I dont think I will ever trust any beauty salons, other than Russians. We spent 10 hours today, doing my hair
Thais will never deal with such a long term hair job like that. I saw how they do that, it's not very good. Really, Russians have high standards about beauty places.
I remember once I had to Google some scissors to show it to a thai hair master, she didn't understand me and it was horrible experience (8 times in different places )
For example, Thais don't know how to make a good blond colour, cause they aren't very experienced with it.
My hair, nails, eyebrows are only trusted to Russian masters.
Thanks God, I can find them here
Otherwise i would look like Yeti!
What I do in thai salons is laser, and hair removal stuff. Also you can do peeling and face injection. Also plastic surgeries are good here.
Anyway, I'm very jealous of Russian girls, who can find good nail or hair masters easily and very cheap.
I'm very conservative about it, so I prefer to go to the same person all the time.
⁉️What about you? Are you doing all this stuff at the same place and the same master, or you don't really care?
The end.
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