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Picture by @simonefarruggia
Picture by @caza_de_andalucia
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Sometimes even after watching a deer all year it’s hard to tell if they are 4 or 5. One of the things we do in the off-season as we wait for the antlers to start growing is to go back through our trail camera filing system from previous years to try and sort some of the head scratcher ages of notable bucks out. Why wouldn’t we do it during the season? Well, if he’s 4 or 5, it really doesn’t matter this year, we aren’t going to take him anyway. 5 or 6 or 7 are usually the questions that get investigated after a long day of hunting. The other peripheral benefit of off season camera review is refreshing yourself about all the OTHER deer that are out there. Sometimes the time difference in deciding to take a known deer, vs aging and evaluating an unknown deer before a decision makes a harvest possible.
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