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Hey how is the weather there It was very changeful in our class today
#howistheweather #whatstheweatherlike #weather #weatherwords #englishwithkids #englishgames #fundateacher #englishisfun #funwithenglish #englishforkids #funlearning #teachingideas #english #teachingenglish #englishteacher #englishteachers #teachersfollowteachers #elt #teachersofinstagram #ilkokul #ilkokulingilizce #ingilizceetkinlik #etkinlikfikri #ingilizceogreniyorum #ingilizceogretmeni #ingilizceogretmenleri #ingilizceogretmenligi
How can I get to.....?✈⛴
Transportation ask &answer activity for 3rd graders
#transportations #howcanigetto #englishwithkids #englishgames #fundateacher #englishisfun #funwithenglish #englishforkids #funlearning #teachingideas #englishlesson #english #learnenglish #teachingenglish #englishteacher #englishteachers #teachersfollowteachers #elt #teachersofinstagram #ilkokul #ilkokulingilizce #ingilizceetkinlik #etkinlikfikri #ingilizceogreniyorum #ingilizceogretmeni #ingilizceogretmenleri #ingilizceogretmenligi
A different and joyful way to make a revision
I'm using this material to review the subjects we learnt this year with 4th graders. And they liked it so much. All students watched and listened carefully, tried to remember the words. And when I see my lovely students having fun, I feel fantastic
#revision #recycledmaterials #lingualabtr #lingualabteachers #endoftheterm #englishwithkids #englishgames #fundateacher #englishisfun #funwithenglish #englishforkids #funlearning #englishlesson #teachingideas #english #teachingenglish #englishteacher #englishteachers #teachersfollowteachers #elt #teachersofinstagram #ilkokul #ilkokulingilizce #ingilizceetkinlik #etkinlikfikri #ingilizceogreniyorum #ingilizceogretmeni #ingilizceogretmenleri #ingilizceogretmenligi
Welcome to pet show
I will start to teach pets with this puppet show. I guess my students will love it very much. I saw the puppet stage idea here on instagram and adopted it to pets. If you like it do not forget to leave a like❤
#pets #puppet #puppetshow #puppetsintheclass #englishwithkids #englishgames #fundateacher #englishisfun #funwithenglish #englishforkids #funlearning #teachingideas #english #teachingenglish #englishteacher #englishteachers #teachersfollowteachers #elt #englishlesson #teachersofinstagram #ilkokul #ilkokulingilizce #ingilizceetkinlik #etkinlikfikri #ingilizceogreniyorum #ingilizceogretmeni #ingilizceogretmenleri #ingilizceogretmenligi
Hanging the clothes activity
I put the clothes flashcards in the basket and took one by one. They told the english names and I hung them on the rope with pins
#clothes #myclothes #englishflashcards ##englishwithkids #englishgames #fundateacher #englishisfun #funwithenglish #englishforkids #funlearning #teachingideas #english #teachingenglish #englishteacher #englishteachers #teachersfollowteachers #elt #teachersofinstagram #ilkokul #ilkokulingilizce #ingilizceetkinlik #etkinlikfikri #ingilizceogreniyorum #ingilizceogretmeni #ingilizceogretmenleri #ingilizceogretmenligi
And the jobs unit ends with the traditional "role play activity" Congrats to all my dear students, good job
#jobs #occupations #roleplay #whatsyourjob #englishwithkids #englishgames #fundateacher #englishisfun #funwithenglish #englishforkids #funlearning #teachingideas #english #teachingenglish #englishteacher #englishteachers #teachersfollowteachers #elt #teachersofinstagram #ilkokul #ilkokulingilizce #ingilizceetkinlik #etkinlikfikri #ingilizceogreniyorum #ingilizceogretmeni #ingilizceogretmenleri #ingilizceogretmenligi
What is there in the fridge?
We started the last unit, food & drinks with my 4th graders today. I made a felt fridge and put food & drinks in it. My students told the names of them. Food and drinks are from @ag_kece_egitim_materyalleri .
#food #foodanddrinks #teachingfood #learnfood ##englishwithkids #englishgames #fundateacher #englishisfun #funwithenglish #englishforkids #funlearning #teachingideas #english #teachingenglish #englishteacher #englishteachers #teachersfollowteachers #elt #teachersofinstagram #ilkokul #ilkokulingilizce #ingilizceetkinlik #etkinlikfikri #ingilizceogreniyorum #ingilizceogretmeni #ingilizceogretmenleri #ingilizceogretmenligi #lingualabtr
Under-in-on Oyunumuz
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#in #on #under #englishgames #ingilizceoyunlar #englishteacher #sinifogretmenligi #etkinlikkurdu #etkinlikpaylasimi #etkinliklerdunyasi #etkinlikler #ingilizcedersi #ingilizceogretmeni #school #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #prepositions #likeforfollow #kindergarten #etkinlikzamanı #etkinliktavsiyesi