pokemongo pokemonar pokemon gosnapshot pokemongoar pokemonphotography pokemonsnap niantic pokemongoarplus teamvalor shoot pokemoncommunity pokemontrainer teammystic arplus pogo ztdnews gosnaps pokemonsnapshot teaminstinct pkmn pokemongophoto pokemonarplus pokemonart pocketmonster pokedex pokemonletsgo pokemonphoto arplus
“✨I Believe I Can Fly!✨” I believe I can touch the sky! #Bagon #ShinyBagon #shinysalamence #salamence #Dragon #Ibelieveicanfly #pokemonletsgo #ashhatpikachu #teamvalor #pokego #pokemonar #arplus #pokemonswordshield #PokemonPhotographer #pokemongo #pokemon #niantic #PokemonGOARplus #pogodailyar #dailyphoto #ashkweekly #gosnapshot #dailypogoar #pokemongoar #ztdnews #josarchallenge #pokemongosnapshot
間近のBuddy challengeはムリそうだけど、他ふたつは挑戦するぞー .
Buddy Challenge→相棒ポケモンとの絆が伝わるような写真を募集
参加方法: GOsnapshot と BuddyChallenge のハッシュタグを付けて3枚まで。 . .
Habitat Challenge→そのポケモンが生息していそうな場所で撮影した写真を募集。ポケモンにどれだけ詳しいかがこのチャレンジのカギ!
参加方法: GOsnapshot と HabitatChallenge のハッシュタグを付けて、3枚まで。 . .
Go Create Challenge→誰も思いつかないような、独創性に富んだ写真を募集。センス溢れる写真。
参加方法: GOsnapshot と GoCreateChallenge のハッシュタグを付けて、3枚まで。 .
+ ✈️大賞受賞者は受賞写真入りポケストップ設置権、お好きな「GO Fest」へのペア旅行券、「GO Fest」のチケット2枚を獲得!
Another successful #communityday in the bag! Did you know Bagon’s Pokédex entry says “Bagon has a dream of one day soaring in the sky. In doomed efforts to fly, this Pokémon hurls itself off cliffs. As a result of its dives, it’s head has grown tough and as hard as tempered steel.”
⠀ ⠀
Don’t worry little Bagons you’ll learn to fly and be able to play in the sky soon! ⠀
#pokemon #pokemongo #pokemongoar #pokemongoarplus #pokemonAR #pokemonphotography #niantic #pokedex #pokemonart #instapokemon #pokemonmaster #gosnapshot #pokemongosnaps #teammystic #teamvalor #teaminstinct #mystic #pokemonsnap #ztdnews #pokemonphotographer #gosnapshot #dragon #canyon
Arcanine № 59
#Pokemon #PokemonGO #PokemonGOar #PokemonSnap #gosnaps #pokemoncommunity #pokemonar #instapokemon #pokemonphotography #pokemonpics #Niantic #augmentedreality #ポケモンgo #pokemonGOARplus #pokedex #pokemongoapp #PokemonFan #PokemonLover #GAMEFREAK #PokemonTrainer #gottacatchemall #GOsnapshot
Obligatory shiny Pokémon picture✨✨ I hope everyone who went out for community day had great luck. For my area I caught 4 shinies and that’s quite a bit. Not to mention all the candies I got for normal ones. I can have 3 Salamances in total.
#pokemongo #pokemon #bagoncommunityday #pokemongocommunityday #shinypokemon #pogo #pokemongoar #pokemonar #twitchstreamer #twitchgirls
A trip to the North Sea! Although, I think this Tentacruel is better left alone. .
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.photo: WizzardSlippers
#pokemon #arshots #pokemonsnap #pokemonar #pokemongo #pokemongoar #pokemonletsgo #pokemonsnaps #pokemongosnap #pogo #pogosnaps #arplus #niantic #pokemonhunting #gosnapshot #pokemonsnapshot #ポケモンgo #arphotography #pokemonphoto #gosnaps #gosnap #pokemonphotography #arshot #shinypokemon #ztdnews #pokemongoarplus #hartlepool #tentacruel #northsea