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#natfoodiary港式 嚟到呢間茶記梗係要食招牌雞扒啦除雞扒之外,我地亦推薦佢地家的豬頸肉抵食夾大件,令人難以拒絕啊!餐廳其實有Set好晒配麵或飯,但個人更加推薦散叫咁食先過癮! 食茶記當然要叫翻杯凍檸樂啦特別係而家咁熱,飲一飲即刻透心涼❄我地就推介新推出嘅【雙檸樂】,配住港式美食冇得頂!全新「可口可樂」特飲系列除咗雙檸樂,仲有海鹽柚子樂同埋海鹽柚子碧,咁新穎嘅配搭飲完一定gur返晒! - 榮式燒雞扒 (佐敦) 佐敦吳松街139號 #natfoodiary佐敦 #natfoodiary荃灣線

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Have you been to ocean park lately seen any interesting sea creatures ▫️ ▫️ ▫️ ▫️#oceanpark #hkoceanpark #oceanparkhk #oceanparkhongkong #hongkong #hongkongtrip #hongkonginsta #discoverhongkong #explorehongkong #awesomehongkong #visithongkong #travelhongkong #familyadventures #familytravelblog #adventurefamily #fish #fishtank

Hashtags for theme #HONGKONGINSTA

Hands up, Hong Kong , who is winning Come to my event tomorrow at Kelly & Walsh bookstore to get your copy of I AM WINNING personally signed by me, and hear myself and 4 other fantastic authors talk about our books.⠀ I will share my tips on what it takes to have a winning mindset, and take photos with you.⠀ See you there, my friends!⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #NatalieGlebova #iamwinning #authorsofinstagram #booksofinstagram #HongKong #hkblogger #hongkonginsta #hongkongig #writerscommunity

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誰想夜裡還得在外打拼 為的都是維持家計

Hashtags for theme #HONGKONGINSTA

/ 返咗嚟香港少咗去健身室做運動但係我一啲都冇肥到 原因係我一路都有食賢者之食卓 佢有效幫我阻隔澱粉同油份 仲可以守護心血管健康改善排便質同量 細細包方便攜帶 每餐食一包 高水溶性可以完全溶解係水 超級方便我同媽咪每日都有食 我仲送咗幾盒俾佢當母親節禮物tim 孕婦都可以食用!但食用前記得諮詢下醫生或專業人士意見呀 #賢者之食卓 #阻澱粉隔油份 #每餐一包 #無副作用 #無藥性 #穩定血糖 #預防便秘

Hashtags for theme #HONGKONGINSTA

REPOST because I'm needy and need more Chinese propaganda trolls to give me their attention. Please Xi Daddy Oppa

Hashtags for theme #HONGKONGINSTA

I recently started using the ND filters when shooting at night. Love @polarpro ND4 filter brings out the detail in low light. Do you use any ND filters at night or otherwise? . . . ————————————————————— Shot on @djiglobal Mavic 2 Pro With @polarpro ND4 filter Edited on @lightroom————————————————————— . . . . . . . #night_shooterz #nightphotography #nightphoto #citylights #discoverhongkong #explorehongkong #hongkonginsta #hkig #hongkong #fromwhereidrone #droneofficial #captureperfection #polarpro #instagram #instagood #adobe #dronelife #aerialphoto #birdseyeview #drones #dronephoto #dronefly #shotzdelight #way2ill #9gag #voyaged #hypebeast #ドローン #香港

Hashtags for theme #HONGKONGINSTA

I do miss the changing weather conditions in Hong Kong, always a different scenery in HK, no day is the same . . . ————————————————————— Shot on @djiglobal Mavic 2 Pro With @polarpro ND4 filter Edited on @lightroom————————————————————— . . . . . . . #discoverhongkong #hongkong #dji #hkig #djiglobal #hongkonginsta #djicreator #ighk #drone #drones #fromwhereidrone #droneofficial #droneoftheday #dronestagram #djimavic #djimavicpro2 #beautifuldestinations #travelandleisure #visualambassadors #cityview #shotzdelight #dronefly #polarpro #captureperfection #hongkonger #earthoffical #9gag #stayandwander

Hashtags for theme #HONGKONGINSTA

. I wonder what beginning, what end waits for me Will I have accepted the things that I cannot change? And will I have changed the things I cannot accept? This time, next time, about time.

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