theheartwantswhatitwants revival selenagomez selenator selenators stardance stardancetour 2014amas 4yearsofforyou iloveyoulikealovesong iloveyoulikealovesongbaby lovewillremember prayforselena revivaltour selenagomezvideo selenagomezvideos selenaisback thankyou thankyouselena video wearehereforyouselena weloveyouselena whosays wizardsofwaverlyplace wowp youarebeautifulselena youhavemyheartselena youmatterselena feelme 4yearsofforyou
Actress and daughter of music legend Diana Ross, @traceeellisross looked stunning last night at the American Music Awards. Celebrity makeup artist @muatraceylevy used Ardell ‘Duralash Knot-Free Flare Individual lashes in Small, Medium and Long’ to add the finishing touch to her striking red carpet look.
Recording Artist and American Music Award winner Iggy Azalea (@thenewclassic) shut the stage down at last night’s AMA’s! Celebrity makeup artist @priscillaono used Ardell ‘120 Demi’ lashes to add the finishing touch to her show stopping look!
Congratulations @thenewclassic for winning Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album and Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist!
The song which always makes me cry as well as feel good one of her best creation is #feelme ❤❤#thankyou #selenaisback #theheartwantswhatitwants #4yearsofforyou #selenator #Selenators #selenagomez @selenagomez #PrayForSelena #theheartwantswhatitwants #2014amas #iloveyoulikealovesong #iloveyoulikealovesongbaby #stardance #stardancetour #wowp #wizardsofwaverlyplace #Thankyouselena #selenagomez #selenator #selenators #wearehereforyouselena #weloveyouselena #youmatterselena #youarebeautifulselena #youhavemyheartselena #stardance #revival #sg2 #theheartwantswhatitwants #whosays #revival #lovewillremember #revivaltour #stardancetour #selenagomezvideos #selenagomezvideo #video @selenagomez @Pantene @coach @puma @wemovement
She isn't Selena..I don't know who she is but she looks like little Selena just a bit..May be She is Selena's little sister..Well I found it cute..#thankyou #selenaisback #theheartwantswhatitwants #4yearsofforyou #selenator #Selenators #selenagomez @selenagomez #PrayForSelena #theheartwantswhatitwants #2014amas #iloveyoulikealovesong #iloveyoulikealovesongbaby #stardance #stardancetour #wowp #wizardsofwaverlyplace #Thankyouselena #selenagomez #selenator #selenators #wearehereforyouselena #weloveyouselena #youmatterselena #youarebeautifulselena #youhavemyheartselena #stardance #revival #sg2 #theheartwantswhatitwants #whosays #revival #lovewillremember #revivaltour #stardancetour #selenagomezvideos #selenagomezvideo #video @selenagomez @Pantene @coach @puma
A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along...A broken heart is the worst...It’s like having broken ribs...Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe...
#PrayForSelena #theheartwantswhatitwants #2014amas #iloveyoulikealovesong #iloveyoulikealovesongbaby #stardance #stardancetour #wowp #wizardsofwaverlyplace #Thankyouselena #selenagomez #selenator #selenators #wearehereforyouselena #weloveyouselena #youmatterselena #youarebeautifulselena #youhavemyheartselena #stardance #revival #sg2 #theheartwantswhatitwants #whosays #revival #lovewillremember #revivaltour #stardancetour #selenagomezvideos #selenagomezvideo #video @selenagomez
Everyday small piece of you dies..❤
Song - Kill em with kindness by Selena Gomez ❣❤#thankyou #selenaisback #theheartwantswhatitwants #4yearsofforyou #selenator #Selenators #selenagomez @selenagomez #PrayForSelena #theheartwantswhatitwants #2014amas #iloveyoulikealovesong #iloveyoulikealovesongbaby #stardance #stardancetour #wowp #wizardsofwaverlyplace #Thankyouselena #selenagomez #selenator #selenators #wearehereforyouselena #weloveyouselena #youmatterselena #youarebeautifulselena #youhavemyheartselena #stardance #revival #sg2 #theheartwantswhatitwants #whosays #revival #lovewillremember #revivaltour #stardancetour #selenagomezvideos #selenagomezvideo #video @selenagomez @Pantene @coach @puma