Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #2019OTOACONFERENCE

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#2019otoaconference #otoa #police #armoredmobility #armoredrescue #deliatactical #2019ohiotacticalofficersconference #modernsamuraiproject #begood #gettraining #lawenforcement #mrsjedi #staysafe #teamjedi #trainforlife #swat #thinblueline #becarefuloutthere #protectingtheblue #viktoslife #bluelivesmatter #lawenforcementofficer #ohio #ohiotacticalofficersassociation #viktos #challengecoin #goodluckcharm #luckycharm #policeofficer #policetraining

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

K9 Kahr and his Handler with Fairfield County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office got their lucky PtB challenge coins at #2019otoaconference ! Be careful out there! #protectingtheblue #lawenforcement #lawenforcementofficer #thinblueline #bluelivesmatter #police #policeofficer #deputy #deputysheriff #k9 #k9officer #k9kahr #luckycharm #goodluckcharm #challengecoin #ohio #fairfieldcounty #fairfieldcountysheriffsoffice #becarefuloutthere

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

Cigars and challenge coins! The officers with Ypsilanti, Michigan Police Department and Ann Arbor, Michigan Police Department got their new lucky charms at the #2019otoaconference ! #protectingtheblue #lawenforcement #lawenforcementofficer #thinblueline #bluelivesmatter #police #policeofficer #luckycharm #goodluckcharm #challengecoin #cigar #swat #michigan #annarbor #annarborpolice #ypsilanti #ypsilantipolice #becarefuloutthere

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

Undoubtedly the two patches I am most proud to own. Something unimaginable for me several years ago. Honored to be among almost 150 of the best instructors from around the nation converging on one spot for a week to teach nearly 1500 cops who've come out to learn grow and better themselves. It's great to see old friends and meet new friends. Finally got to meet @southnarc in person and had a wonderful impromptu private sit down that went on for nearly 2 hours which I look forward to continuing over whiskey soon. #2019otoaconference #otoa #training #violenceofmind #vom #mindset

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

Team Leader with Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction and his new good luck charm, a Protecting the Blue challenge coin! Be careful out there! #protectingtheblue #2019otoaconference #lawenforcement #lawenforcementofficer #thinblueline #bluelivesmatter #police #policeofficer #correctionsofficer #corrections #goodluckcharm #luckycharm #challengecoin #ohio #ohiodepartmentofcorrections #odrc #becarefuloutthere

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

This Orville, Ohio Police Department Officer got his new lucky Protecting the Blue challenge coin at the #2019otoaconference ! Be careful out there! #protectingtheblue #lawenforcement #lawenforcementofficer #thinblueline #bluelivesmatter #police #policeofficer #swat #challengecoin #luckycharm #goodluckcharm #ohio #orrville #orrvillepolicedepartment #becarefuloutthere

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

The things you are at #2019otoaconference lol. Hey @carpe_vinum14 I know what direction I want to go with my truck now, maybe this green @monstaliner paint to repair the scratches? Haha @ohiotacticalofficers #training @tactote

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

Demonstration by @mantis_tech , This is one of the things you missed today if you were not here at the #2019otoaconference - - - - - #ohiotacticalofficersassociation #tacticaltraining #tacticalpolice #policetactical #swat #swattraining #policeswat

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

Leave it to me to find the dog in every crowd!!! #2019ohiotacticalofficersconference #otoa #2019otoaconference #sandusky #viktos #viktoslife #begood #staysafe #gettraining #trainforlife #mrsjedi #teamjedi #modernsamuraiproject

Хештеги на тему #2019OTOACONFERENCE

That 338 Lapua is a nice round! @accuracyinternational #2019otoaconference

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