24weeker micropreemie preemie nicubaby nicu preemiestrong niculife nicugrad nicugraduate gtubebaby cute gtube preemiepower fighter preemiebaby babygirl miracle nicujourney preemielife preemiemom trach trachbaby tracheostomy tubie twinlesstwin baby bottle darlingdakotarose samepicdifferentday
Our miracle Caleb Rafael is here
Born at 24weeks+1day 14 june 2019 ⏱14:50 ⚖ 655g 31cm
Caleb is a miracle because he was hold by God in my womb for extra 4weeks than de doctors expected. He was a fighter and I know only God did this.
Now he is 2 days old and he is doing very well at the NICU.
I love my micro-preemie and I love God because He is the Only One who do miracles!
Let's #prayforCaleb together
Rafael means God heals! And I belive this. He can heal me, He can heal our soul, He can heal you, He can make Caleb a miracle. We just need to belive!
Laying on the floor with my girl, thinking about our trach/vent life
Recently, we’ve had a few experiences in public (on the way to doctor appointments) that have been less than stellar. After conversations with a few of our medically fragile friends, I realized that uncomfortable public exchanges are more common than not. This week, while checking in for Lily’s appointment, the woman working at the front desk asked me “What’s wrong with her?” which completely took me aback. Our friends have been asked things like this, all unsure of how to answer. Do we put our heads down and carry on? Do we use this as an opportunity to educate? I love that people are interested in learning about Lily’s accessories, but wish that we were treated less like a freak show and more like humans deserving of compassion. This community has accepted us with loving arms, and we are excited to help change the narrative surrounding these incredible children
#makingabnormalnormal #loveABLE #nicugraduate #nicugrad #micropreemie #24weeker #preemie #preemielife #preemiejourney #nicu #nicubaby #niculife #nicujourney #trach #tracheostomy #trachbaby #tubie #gtube #gtubebaby #medicallycomplex #iugr #twin #survivingtwin #twinlesstwin #medicallyfragile #preemiepower #preemiestrong #rebeltrachmoms #nicutonow
This view will never get old
#biggirl #nicugraduate #nicugrad #micropreemie #24weeker #preemie #preemielife #preemiejourney #nicu #nicubaby #niculife #nicujourney #trach #tracheostomy #trachbaby #tubie #gtube #gtubebaby #medicallycomplex #iugr #twin #survivingtwin #twinlesstwin #medicallyfragile #preemiepower #preemiestrong #rebeltrachmoms #nicutonow
Exactly 4 years ago today our son @jaxsonsmiracle was born at 22 weeks 6 days, 1lb 2.9oz. This day will always be special to me as it really revealed to me the Power of God. Jaxson was giving a 20% chance to live and even if he survived they told us he may not really “live”, as he could have a multitude of issues and setbacks. I’m extremely proud of him and his strength even as a baby. And I’m also proud of my Wife @themiraclewife . Enjoy your birthday Young King, Daddy loves you! Many of you may already follow his journey and I thank you for your prayers that really supported us through his journey in the NICU. #ThatsMyBoy
Happy Easter from our crazy (cute) crew to yours! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted an update about our baby boy on here and thought this would be a good time to let everyone know how we are doing! For those of you who are new here (first off, welcome! ☺️) I delivered our baby boy, Beau, back in October at 24 weeks. He came in weighing a whole 1lb 13oz and is as cute and as perfect as can be
Over the past 6 months Beau has grown soooo much and is doing so well but still struggles to breathe on his own. Tomorrow (coincidentally on Beau’s half birthday!) he will be undergoing two surgeries that will provide him with the continued support his lungs need that he can eventually come home on! HOME is our main goal here. It’s what our eyes are set on. To have our whole family together under one roof. It could still be a ways away yet but Beau is the toughest little guy we know and we know he’s ready. We are praying for a smooth surgery tomorrow along with strength for Beau and his doctors. Thank you all for continuing to support us through this. We truly do love you and have so much to be grateful for! Happy Easter! Love, Sarah & family. #gobeaugo #micropreemie #24weeker
Where do I even start with day ✌ Another awesome day with @smiletherapyforkids in Tulsa!
Our first ever podcast interview came out with @thesensoryprojectshow! Have a listen and check out their available episodes. You will learn some great ways to help your kiddos!
All of a sudden, Conner is doing big kid MEDEK exercises. He’s spending less and less time with table exercises and he’s dominating some seriously challenging floor exercises.
It’s been really exciting to see him work so hard and make big gains. His desire to be up and moving is only second to his desperation to play games and boss around Miss Kayla !
@lovewhatmatters approached me to write Lily’s birth story. It’s now live on their website
#twinbirth #trauma #survival #nicugraduate #nicugrad #micropreemie #24weeker #preemie #preemielife #preemiejourney #nicu #nicubaby #niculife #nicujourney #trach #tracheostomy #trachbaby #tubie #gtube #gtubebaby #medicallycomplex #iugr #twin #survivingtwin #twinlesstwin #medicallyfragile #preemiepower #preemiestrong #lifeafternicu #nicutonow
Lily is experimenting more and more each day with her voice and mouth. She woke up yesterday morning and decided that she can blow raspberries, and now she’s spitting all over everythingggggg
#gross #butcute #nicugraduate #nicugrad #micropreemie #24weeker #preemie #preemielife #preemiejourney #nicu #nicubaby #niculife #nicujourney #trach #tracheostomy #trachbaby #tubie #gtube #gtubebaby #medicallycomplex #iugr #twin #survivingtwin #twinlesstwin #medicallyfragile #preemiepower #preemiestrong #rebeltrachmoms #nicutonow
This is it. My last pump. I’ve been dreading this day since the moment that Lily was born. I had no idea if my body would ever produce for her- through the trauma of premature birth, child loss, NICU time, and the stress of motherhood, all that I could do was pump and hope that I could give my child what she needed to survive. We have never been able to breastfeed as the severity of Lily’s condition was a barrier, so I exclusively pumped 6-8 times per day for eleven months. And now, my body is tired. It’s telling me that it’s time. I feel every emotion, from fear to relief and sorrow, but above all I am so proud of what my body could do for my baby.
1796 pumping sessions
884 hours
160,214 mL
5,341 ounces
1 healthy, thriving micropreemie
#thisispostpartum #pumpingmom #fedisbest #exclusivelypumping #nicugraduate #nicugrad #micropreemie #24weeker #preemie #preemielife #preemiejourney #nicu #nicubaby #niculife #nicujourney #trach #tracheostomy #trachbaby #tubie #gtube #gtubebaby #medicallycomplex #iugr #twin #survivingtwin #twinlesstwin #medicallyfragile #preemiepower #preemiestrong #nicutonow