25yearold 3rdshot 6dmark2 _visualsofindia bestshots conanpost ig_visionv imperialindia incredibteindia indiaincolours indiaphotostory kolkatadaries kolkatakaleidoscope lensbible nikonasia nikonnofilter pattern photographersofindia piayoftones portfolio portraitphotography sokolkata supermodel trippeyeti visualambassadors wanderxwonder canon canonphotography findiaphotos application conanpost
Celebrating 25 years of life today! What would you tell your 25 year old self?
#maryandmartha #mymaryandmartha #maryandmarthahome #maryandmarthaconsultant #maryandmarthakids #maryandmarthahomedecor #livingintheand #liveintheand #25birthday #25th #25thbirthday #25thbday #25yearoldself #25 #25yearold #since1994 #wordsofencouragement #letterstoliveby #birthdayletters #faithinspired #faithinspiration
Every day is something new. Choose the energy you want to bring to it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Today I'm choosing light, happiness, and peace & I want to thank you for doing the same with me. ✌
Here's to being a quarter of a century!
March 27th
#quarterofacentury #whatyearisit #grandmaswhoworkoutout #lolgetit #becauseimagrannynow #3bcurls #3acurls #25thbirthday #25yearold #adultingsohard #thanksyall #healthybirthday
Figured best be #stockingup on these before all the prices go up now...always a #safeplay and never a bad thing...can never have enough @the_macallan #25yearold #SherryCask around for a cold winter’s night...or for boating in the summer...
#TheMacallan #Macallan #MacallanWhisky #MacallanSherryCask #ScotchWhisky #Scotch #Whisky
One of the #HandofGod level bottles of #Unicorndom in #Bourbon would be this #utterlylegendary @oldestnickwhiskies #25yearold which is likely among the top 3 darkest and most intense #BourbonExperiences that could be had in life...needless to say, the US has experienced very little of #OldeStNick or #VeryOldeStNick here ever given it’s #CultStatus in #Japan or among #BourbonCognoscenti but it remains a #monument in the realm of #KentuckyDistilling and the story of this #FabledBourbon is steeped in mystery and lore, just the way a great product should be...let’s just say that between #JulianVanWinkle and #EvanKulsvein they know the real truth...
Keď som bola malá, hovorila som si, že v tomto veku už chcem mať vyštudovanú vysokú školu, mať manžela a jedno dieťa Z tohto zatiaľ nemám ani jedno, avšak dnes som si uvedomila, že mám toho oveľa viac! Rodinu, ktorá je tá úplne najlepšia a ďakujem Bohu, že mi dal takých skvelých rodičov a sestry aké mam ❤️ Mám úžasného priateľa, ktorého veľmi ľúbim a teším sa, keď o ďalších 25 rokov dostanem tých sľúbených 50 ruží A mám tiež kamarátov, ľudí s ktorými rada trávim svoj čas plný smiechu ale aj vážnejších tém ☺️☺️
Všetkým, ktorí si dnes našli pár sekúnd svojho času a potešili ma svojim prianím
#birthdaygirl #todayismybirthday #25yearold #1994 #snow #wintergirl #smile #stalesusmevom #narodeniny #mojden