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Do you ever just sit and smoke a joint and feel your emotions? Like, think about what really is going on in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly, ask yourself “how do I really feel?” About this and allow yourself to actually go through the emotions. In this photo I am in thought, crying because for once I’m not caged, I am lifted. Does that mean everything is perfect? Nope, absolutely not.. at I still chronically sick? Hell yea, constantly every morning, sometimes all day and all night.. but I push through. And you can too #420 #420girls #420nurses #420nursesboutique #420babes #420life #420nursesintern #420nurseintern #pdxsmoke #pdxsmokesesh #pdxpot #pdxoil #pdxdabs #420model #420modeling #staylifted #selectoilcartridge
I'ma scream and shout for what I love
Passionate but I don't give no fucks
I admit that I'm a lil' messed up
But I can hide it when I'm all dressed up
I'm obsessive and I love too hard
Good at overthinking with my heart
How you even think it got this far?
This far
And I can be needy,
Way too damn needy
#pdxteens #pdxqueer #pdxpolycouple #pdxlesbians #pdxpoly #420 #420girls #girlswhosmoke #420nurse #420nursesintern #arianagrande #sweetenertour #ariana
I wanna thank my followers who participated in answering my question post I Loved each Response. I appreciate all the support you all have shown. This thank you also includes those who just support me on the daily. Love you all Fam
#islandpharmz #bigusoextracts #WorldReefers #420nurses831
#aptos420nurseschapter #aptos420nurseschapterVP #420nursesintern #pandacastle #420nurses #ilove420nurses #aptos420nursesc #420cuties #MarijuanaModels #promotionmodel
#PotheadSociety #cannabiscommunity #girlswhosmokeweed #onlysmokethefinest #smoke #bongbeauties #420 #topshelflife #phreshchaingang #selfie #tittytuesdayy #tittsgram #freethenipple
...Forever awkward...
2019 is my year without doubt. Time to get my body ♀️and MIND ♀️right I’ve held back on growing as a person out of fear of failing. Such a pity to waste your dreams. I’m done living vicariously through others especially when I have soo much to bring to the table . With that being said I was beyond grateful and honored to meet two of MY idols. without knowing it these two (and other 420nurses) slowly helped me peel out of my shell and embrace myself and my love for the cannabis industry. This picture is the first memory I’ll have with them and I can’t wait to make many more! Thank you @summerxrainand @chachavavoom❤️for making me feel so welcomed while I was hyperventilating and rambling ♀️ #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #420 #marijuana #weed #thc #hightimes #weedporn #ganja #stoner #maryjane #weedstagram #420girls #420nurses #420nursesintern #420nursesboutique #timetodive #timetothrive
lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things
- @brazyybabyy27 ❤️
Become my fan only at 420nurses.com
#420nursesintern #420nurseslosangeleschapter #420nurses #modeling #cannabislifestyle #710 #420 #fridaynightsesh #420girls #girlswhodab #staylifted #staymedicated #dank #fire #hybrid #sativa #dabs #cannabiscommunity #highlife #hightimes #highlifestyle #medicalmarijuana #cbd #ilove420nurses #prop215 #cannabis #highlife #hightimes #highsociety #weedstagram420 #thc #stonerbabe