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#Repost from @wvoorwinden (@repost_media_app)
Today I brought this beautiful aventador with 50anniversario package back to the happy customer!
• COLOUR: Arancio Atlas
#lamborghini #aventador #roadster #50anniversary #v12 #exotic_cars #luxurycars #orangeisthenewblack #santagata #bolognese #italy #italianbeauty #huracanperformante #performante #performance #v10 #moneyhungry #milliondollarlisting #millionaire #billionaire #luxurylifestyle #carsandcoffee #instacar #hypercar #oranje #orange #exoticcars #50anniversario #arancioatlas
Happy Saturday!☀️
Please contact us on the following email for queries: info@cigarshoplumo.com
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50 Anniversary cake ... Kalau udh 50tahun pasti temanya udh gold anniversary ya , karena mau keliatan lebih menonjol warna goldnya , Lysa bikin fondat bunga mawar dan di kuasin bubuk gold wilton , fondatnya itu lysa warni dulu rada kuning jadi yang di kuasin bubuk gold wilton ( di campur sama alkohol special beli di toko blue bell kelapa gading ) kalau tidak pakai alkohol kurang bisa nempel serbuk emasnya .
Cake dasarnya mocca seperti biasa 30x40 x3 cm 2 loyang . Resepnya nanti di share ya . Buat caranya dan selengkapnya nanti ya liat di YouTube Lysa Tangkulung . Selamat malam . #homemade #50anniversary #moccacake #yummy #homebaking
Cake board :40x40 cm
Bahan :
12 Butir telor
1 Sdm elmusifier
200 gr gula pasir
200 gr Tepung terigu
25 gr maizena
25 gr tepung susu
200gr margarin ( butter ) cair
1 sdm pasta mocca super ( toffeico)
1 Sdm rhum bakar ( toffeico)
Caranya :
1. Panaskan oven 180 c dan cairkan margarin atau butter
2. Sediakan 1 buah loyang 30x40 cm alasin margarin dan tepung .
3. Kocok semua bahan kecuali margarin , pasta dan rhum selama 15 menit
4. Setelah 15 menit , masukan margarin, pasta mocca super dan rhum kemudian aduk sampai rata tuang ke loyang 30 x40 x3 cm sama rata ya .
5. Panggang selama 30-35 menit api atas bawah 180 c . menit check kematangan atau sampai matang menurut kepanasan oven masing masing
6. Setelah matang pindahkan ke rak pendingin dan siap di hias .
7. Selamat mencoba ❤️
Bahan :
500 gr mentega putih lokal ( merek amanda atau pusaka)
250 gr soft cream hollman
350 ml gula cair ( rose brand) ( bisa di sesuaikan dengan selera kalau mau manis bisa di tambah kan )
1 sdm rhum optional
50 ml susu kental manis ( di skip kalau pas manisnya )
Caranya :
1. Mixer mentega putih sampai mengembang dan ringan.
2. Masukan gula cair , soft cream dan mixer lagi sampai rata kalau kurang manis boleh tambahkan gula cair dan susu kental manis
3. Aduk tambahkan rhum dan aduk rata
4. Siap di pakai ( bisa di simpan di kulkas bawah bisa tahan 2 bulan )
5. Kalau mau di gunakan keluarkan sampai suhu ruangan tinggal di aduk pakai sendok aja ngak usah di mixer lagi .
Trinidad vigia (12) FROM 2015
Express Worldwide Shipping
Available in our website: www.cigarshoplumo.com
Please contact us on the following email for queries: info@cigarshoplumo.com
#cigar #montecristo #line1935 #humidor #limitededition #cigars #puros #jar #collection #cohiba #anniversary #añejados #cuba #available #50anniversary #cigaroftheday #cuba #habana #habanos #lcdh #forsale #bolts #exclusive #bestcigars #cigaraficionado #cigarday #lumoscigarsworld #cigarshoplumo #雪茄日常
Hoyo de Monterrey Hermosos N4 Añejados (25) FROM 2008
Express Worldwide Shipping
Available in our website: www.cigarshoplumo.com
Please contact us on the following email for queries: info@cigarshoplumo.com
#cigar #montecristo #line1935 #humidor #limitededition #cigars #puros #jar #collection #cohiba #anniversary #añejados #cuba #available #50anniversary #cigaroftheday #cuba #habana #habanos #lcdh #forsale #bolts #exclusive #bestcigars #cigaraficionado #cigarday #lumoscigarsworld #cigarshoplumo #雪茄日常
Last night was THE. BEST. NIGHT. EVER!!! My mom and I went to see @woodstock.the.story in my hometown. I got this as a gift for my birthday in December. They were incredible!!! And that's an understatement!✌✨ The way they performed and told the story of Woodstock was amazing. They were telling it as if we were at Woodstock right now. Sharing food and blankets and everything! The way they looked, the way they performed, everything was spot on! During one of the last performances they invited the crowd to join them on stage. My entire life I've had fear of performing and being in the spotlights but my mom and I got up danced our butt off on stage! It felt amazing to finally do something I've never thought I would do!!!✌☀ It feels liberating!
#woodstockreveries #woodstockphotographer #woodstock #woodstockfestival #jimihendrix #jimihendrixfans #woodstockthestory #IJsselstein #fulcotheater #creative #artist #music #dance #peace #love #happiness #joy #festival #newyork #liberating #1969 #50anniversary #melanie #joecocker #jeffersonairplane #joanbaez
뉴욕의 중심 센트럴파크 베데스다 테라스에서 미국의 살아있는 전설 랄프 로렌 창립 50주년 런웨이가 성대하게 펼쳐졌습니다피날레에서는 전원 기립 박수로 환호하는 가운데, 스필버그, 힐러리 클린턴, 토니 베넷, 로버트 드니로, 오프라윈프리 등 절친들과 다이앤폰퍼스텐버그, 알렉산더왕을 비롯한 후배 디자이너들, 제시카 체스테인, 톰 히들스턴 등의 으리으리한 셀럽들과 일일이 포옹과 악수를 나누며 눈시울이 젖는 노장의 눈빛 속이 스타일 뿐 아니라 가족과 랄프 로렌을 사랑한 열정의 50년이 스쳐갑니다✨
한국을 대표로 초대된 배우 #김혜수 #제시카정 이 함께 한 랄프 로렌 50주년 런웨이 모먼트.
#RL50 @ralphlauren