abbylee dancemoms aldc dancemoms2019 abbyleemiller thebestisyettocome aldcalways abby abbysarmy season8 dancemoms8 dancemomsseason8 drama dance competitivedance dancemomsfight newseason pyramid dancemomscompetition dancemomspyramid ellianawalmsley abbyleedancecompany jojosiwa maddieziegler competition kenzieziegler ballet dancemom dancing dancemoms8
This was the group dance "The Name Game". I don't have much information on this, sorry... I will repost if I find more!
•ALDC showcase 2011
•other competitions unknown
#maddie #maddieziegler #chloe #chloelukasiak #paige #paigehyland #vivi #vivianne #viviannestein #brandon #brandonpent #aldc #aldcla #aldcpgh #aldcshowcase #talent #talented #talenteddancer #talenteddancers #dance #dancer #dancers #dancemoms #beforedancemoms #outsidedancemoms #outsideofdancemoms #abby #abbylee #abbyleemiller
Drama, Drama, Drama
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#hollyfrazier #kendallvertes #jillvertes #abbyleemiller #abbymiller #abbylee #abbyleedancecompany #aldc #drama #dramaqueen #dancing #dancers #ituneschart #dancer #dance #aldcla #dramamama #dramaqueen #dramatic #dancemomsdrama #dancemoms