abolishice eattherich berniesanders2020 decolonize democrat progressives 2020election corporateamerica feelthebern medicareforall notmeus ourrevolution progressive sanders2020 thedailyember yourdailyember fucktrump abolisheconomicslavery abolishnationalism amerikkka canceltheapocalypse checkyourself decolonizeyourstate dismantlethepatriarchy dismantletheprisonindustrialcomplex dismantlethisadministration dismantlewhitefeminism dismantlewhitesupremacy drinkmorewater fcknzs
Hold them accountable! Just because they have always been kind to you, you have never seen that side of him, or "he's such a nice guy" doesn't mean she is lying about being abused by him. You don't see every side of every person, especially a covert abuser who is careful to keep his public image clean.