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⭐️⭐️⭐️ SPECIAL PASSIONFLIX CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ We are pleased to share that Celestine Rae will be our leading lady in A Brother’s Honor, playing the roll of Shana Bradford, the professional corporate consultant who helps the brothers take back their family business. Celestine has previously guest starred on shows Law and Order: SVU and The Blacklist. #passionflix #abrothershonor #casting #brendajacksonrocks
El hermano número 3. Robert Christopher será Dalton Granger
#Repost @passionflix •••
⭐️ CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT! ⭐️ We are continuing our daily casting updates with Robert Christopher Riley who will be playing Dalton Granger, youngest brother and successful business mogul in “A Brother’s Honor”. We are thrilled to have him join our cast! #passionflix #abrothershonor #brendajackson #casting
#Repost from @passionflix by @quicksave.app
We hope you all have a lovely start to your weekend this Saturday! Will you be ambitious like Tosca and read while you watch? Have you read along with a Passionflix original? If so, how was it? #bookadaptations #passionflix #matchmakersplaybook #abrothershonor #saturday #multitasking #InstaSaveApp #QuickSaveApp
Un nuevo integrante para A Brother's Honor
@michaelmarcel7 será Caden Granger
#Repost @passionflix •••
⭐️ CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT! ⭐️ We are continuing our daily casting updates with Micheal Marcel who will be playing Caden Granger, middle brother and superstar Jazz musician in “A Brother’s Honor”. We are so excited for him to join our cast! #passionflix #abrothershonor #brendajackson #casting